Just a whacky thought.

During an interview with a Hizbullah-owned television station, Ron Stone, another honorable member of this distinguished delegation, said, “As an elder of our church, I’d like to say that, according to my recent experience, relations and conversations with Islamic leaders are a lot easier than dealings and dialogue with Jewish leaders.”


We wish this young dog will go directly to hell.

Stone added: “Also, we praise your initiative for dialogue and mutual understanding. We cherish these statements that bring us closer to you. We treasure the precious words of Hizbullah and your expression of goodwill.”

Even if you live in America the hand of Allah and the sword of Jihad will reach you.

Meanwhile, the divestment offensive marches on.

That elements in PCUSA consider Israel the aggressor in this conflict leaves us with only two conclusions about these so-called leaders: They are either the stupidest people on the face of the earth – or they are quite simply Jew haters.

I do not easily use the latter term, but when you single out the one democratic state in a sea of vile tyrannies – a state that for more than fifty years has sought peace with twenty two hostile, rejectionist neighbors in every manner, shape and form; a state that has granted one million Arabs full citizenship, whereas twenty-two Arab nations are Judenrein; a state that has been under political and military siege from the moment it was born; a state that has traded land for peace – when you single out this state and ignore the genocidal pronouncements of its enemies, and when this state happens to be the world’s only Jewish one, you can no longer hide behind the label of being “merely anti-Zionist.” You have crossed the line into classic Jew-hatred.

Let us return to where we began, with the young and innocent martyr Daniel Wultz. May his memory be a blessing. May his family find comfort among the mourners of Zion.


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Robert J. Avrech is an Emmy Award-winning Hollywood screenwriter and producer. Among his numerous credits are "A Stranger Among Us” and "The Devil's Arithmetic.” His novel "The Hebrew Kid and the Apache Maiden" won the 2006 Ben Franklin Award for Best First Novel and the Association of Jewish Libraries Award for Notable Children's Book of Jewish Content. His eBook memoir “How I Married Karen” has garnered rave reviews as a delightfully unorthodox Orthodox love story. His website is Seraphic Secret (seraphicpress.com).