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My friends, get off the train, now.  The track is pointing in a very dangerous direction.  You will not prevail over the trend; on the contrary, you will become part of the trend.  As an elder clergyman, I’m horrified as I watch many Jews — young and old — slowly evolve into proponents of positions unwholesome, dangerous, and destined toward spiritual and physical suicide.

True, you will be forced to stop your demonizing of Republicans.  You may have to vote for Romney, a candidate singular in his passion and love for Israel as a living concept, an indivisible Jerusalem, and for Israelis and Jews as Jews.  You will have to wipe away the gruesome fantasies you have concocted about Republicans and conservative Americans.  That’s OK.  In fact, it is a nice thing to do and is good for the soul.


Originally published by the American Thinker.


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Rabbi Aryeh Spero is author of "Push Back" and was a pulpit rabbi for almost forty years. He can be reached at [email protected].