The Three Weeks

Perhaps, just perhaps, we can relate to this: whenever we feel distant from Hashem, that is the Churban.

Two Elements To A Sin

We may not recognize the adverse affect of eating forbidden foods, but they leave an indelible imprint.

Nedarim And Contingencies

There are several rules that one must adhere to when making a neder.

In Times Of Danger, Run To – Rather Than From – Israel

Important message for Jews in the Diaspora: In times of need run to Israel rather than from Israel.

Is Pinchas Really Eliyahu?

Sometimes when Chazal say that two different people are really one, they do not mean it literally, but rather figuratively.

Parshat Pinchas: What Does It Mean To Be Zealous For God?

The midrash says that Pinchas, (this parsha), and Eliyahu, prophet of Kings, are one and the same.

Inheriting Positions Of Honor

We need to understand why Moshe Rabbeinu decided to ask that his sons inherit his position after this new halacha was introduced.

Passing The Baton

Moshe served dual major roles for bnei Yisrael. He was their teacher and their leader.

Why Do We Pray With A Set Text?

An opinion recorded in the Talmud states that prayers correspond to the daily sacrifices offered in the Temple that are mentioned in this week’s...

The Disney Museum Of Kiddush Hashem

Respect for basic human dignity is such a powerful concept that it overwhelms some areas of Jewish law.

Tza’ar Ba’alei Chaim

If it is not prohibited when there is a purpose for inflicting the tza’ar, why was Bilam chastised for tza’ar ba’alei chaim?

Moshe And Generation M(idbar)

Moshe’s punishment described in the parsha is most tragic. He was chosen to redeem the people, he loved them dearly and personally sacrificed so much for them.

Through The Eyes Of History

There are often two distinct perspectives of an event: the perspective from living in the moment, and the perspective of history.

Balak And The Battle Of Gettysburg

The power of "positive campaigning;" Nothing quenches your soul's thirst like Torah.

Love Defies The Rule

Hate and Love; Opposite sides of the coin of motivation.

Parshas Chukas: Fatal Error

After listening to the driver’s incredible story, Rabbi Levenstein asked him, “What about you? After seeing such a miracle why didn’t you became Torah observant?”

Earning A Living Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult

The rock doesn’t have needs, yet it listens to Hashem. How much more so should we, who have so many needs?

Rov Vs. Chazakah

How can we be certain that any animal can be counted toward ma’asar beheimah when perhaps it is a treifah?

The Message Of Parah Adumah

Scientific disciplines don’t ask "why", a metaphysical question. They ask "how does it function?”

Chukat: Was Hitting the Rock So Horrible?

What was the small act of Moshe talking to the rock meant to teach the people of Israel?

Keeping The Ego In Check

Leaders must be careful to subdue their ego. The cause is larger than the personal concerns of one person.

Shabbos Mevorchim Tammuz

Known by all as a happy-go-lucky fellow, Yossel’s lackluster parnassah never got the better of him. His dejected-looking wife, however, hardly shared his simchas ha’chayim and Yossel would often attempt to cheer her with words of chizuk.

The Nation’s Guardians Do Not Sleep

When it comes to passing on Jewishness we must follow the mother - for it is she who ensures it.

Parshat Korach

Although famous for his smile, Ike Eisenhower actually harbored a volcanic temper that he worked arduously to control.

The Power Of The Spoken Word

Clearly, they were lacking in bitachon. Their faith in Hashem was deficient. But they weren’t guilty of speaking lashon hara.

Separating The Kohanim

This separation between Kohanim, Levi’im and Yisraelim obligates us to honor kohanim.

Parshas Shelach: What Caused Rachav’s Epiphany

Yehoshua knew that the outcome of the battles would depend not on military might, but on the spiritual strength of Klal Yisrael.

Parshas Shelach: The Cow And The Hero

Twelve of the greatest leaders of the nation, one from each shevet, were dispatched to survey the land. The results of that mission were catastrophic.

Shelach: Is Hope Irrational?

Are pessimists just rationalists, and is hope just naiveté?


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