Photo Credit: Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis
Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis

Who is at fault? Who can we blame? Only ourselves – we who refuse to cleanse the dust off our Jewish windows. Today we see so many who would be happy to see Jews and Israel obliterated – they are everywhere. They hide in the most unexpected quarters, scheming against us. And still we don’t want to see.

But, some may protest, “Do we not have Yom HaShoah commemorations? Do we not have Holocaust education in schools? Do we not have so many Holocaust memorials?”


Yes, yes, and yes. But here’s the sad little secret: Amalek loves memorials for dead Jews. Amalek loves Holocaust museums. They testify to his triumph.

Again, this is nothing new. The predators await us in every generation; as our sages put it long ago, “the Jewish people are one lamb among 70 wolves.” If we would only wipe the dust from our windows we would see our solution. It’s right there, and if we were to absorb it the wolf would be silenced and the jungle would become a peaceful habitat. Beyond that window is the message of Hashem, a message guaranteed to protect us from Amalek’s bloody ambitions.

B’ezras Hashem in next week’s column we will remove the dust from the window of Purim and turn our attention to the awesome window of Pesach.


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