Photo Credit: PMW
PLO official Tawfiq Tirawi

While the wave of Arab terrorism is raging, PLO official Tawfiq Tirawi was only too happy to share his pride of his 2-year-old son on official PA TV a few weeks ago, Palestinian Media Watch reported. His son apparently sang about “a Martyr being escorted to his wedding,” including a verse that goes, “Daddy, buy me a machine gun and a rifle, so that I will defeat Israel and the Zionists.”

PLO Central Committee member Tirawi explained that the messages of these songs, supporting Martyrdom-death and the wish to kill “Zionists,” express the “sense of belonging to the homeland.”


“The Palestinian by nature and education feels a sense of belonging to the land and the homeland,” Tirawi told the TV host. “Listen, my son is two years and ten months old. Yesterday, he sang to his mother: ‘Escort the Martyr to his wedding.’ He doesn’t know the meaning of this song (i.e., the Islamic belief that Martyrs marry 72 Virgins in Paradise). Today his mother told me that he sang: ‘Daddy, buy me a machine gun and a rifle, so that I will defeat Israel and the Zionists.’ A boy who is not yet three! A Palestinian grows up with a feeling of belonging to the land, the homeland, and the people.”

Nice family.

Palestinian Media Watch has reported in the past on this Palestinian children’s song, which promotes violence:

Daddy gave me a present, a machine gun and a rifle. When I am a big boy, I will join the Liberation Army. The army of [Izz A-Din] Al-Qassam (Hamas), which has taught us how to defend our homeland. Our homeland is precious, precious. We [are] victorious, victorious over America and Israel.


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