Photo Credit: Jewish Press

I was working 20 years for a Knitwear company. Last June new management came in and many people were asked to leave the company. I went on 5 interviews for work.

On a Sunday last July I went to The Rebbe’s Ohel in Cambria Heights, Queens and I wrote a letter to The Rebbe.


I did not ask for parnassah or to find a new job. I asked The Rebbe that there should be a shul (synagogue) within 2 or 3 blocks from the place where I will eventually find work.

Monday morning I get a call from one of the 5 companies that I interviewed with and the owner said come in today. I went in and the owner showed me around the various offices And then said come in tomorrow you are hired. As I was leaving I noticed an office door half open and I asked the owner what room is this ? He said this is our shul (synagogue) where we pray Mincha and Maariv every day.

My heart was racing as The Lubavitcher Rebbe did indeed answer my letter the very next day.

May we all continue to feel and share the commitment that all Lubavitchers have for The Rebbe which has no limit.


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