Photo Credit: Pixabay

The coalition government under the lead of PM Binyamin Netanyahu has come to an end, and the Knesset will be dissolved. New elections are planned in about 3 months from now, and Israelis will be voting in a new -and hopefully better and stronger Knesset. So, how does the Israeli parliamentary system work? How is a Prime Minister chosen, and how are governments built?

Also, where is King David really buried? And why don’t more people know about it? The Diaspora Yeshiva which sits adjacent to King David’s tomb has been fighting an uphill battle in keeping Jewish sovereignty on Mount Zion and proving not only where King David lies, but also King Solomon and King Hizkiyahu (Hezekiah). Listen to this fascinating show, with guests:


Mike Cohen, veteran military, political and security strategist, from MCohen.US
Rabbi Yitzchak Goldstein, Dean of the Diaspora Yeshiva, Mount Zion



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