(JNi.media) The military wing of Fatah in Gaza, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, say they have developed a rocket with enhanced capabilities to match the needs of their relatively small organization. Marking the terror group’s 15th anniversary, the Brigades expressed their eagerness to “confront the occupation at any time.”
Abu Jihad, spokesman for the Brigades’ rocket production department, said the new missile reaches up to 40 miles “deep inside the Zionist enemy.” The rocket is named K60, as in 60 km (which is 37.282272 miles). Abu Jihad also mentioned the Israeli siege on Gaza and how hard it is to produce weapons under such conditions.
On Tuesday, a World Bank report to the Ad Hoc Liaison committee (AHLC), a forum of donors to the Palestinian Authority, also warned that the ongoing restrictions on imports to Gaza by the Government of Israel have had a severe impact on the economy in Gaza.
The Brigades say they have already produced and replenished their supply of rockets, to meet “any future escalation.”
Abu Ammar, a member of the Brigades’ rocket production department, said in a paldf.net forum: “Our battalions rely on independent means following the siege on the Gaza Strip. Our rocket production department is determined to continue developing rockets with an even longer range”.
The distance from Gaza City to Tel Aviv is 70 kilometers, or 44 miles. The distance from Gaza City to Jerusalem is 78 km, or 49 miles.
Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades’ new 40-mile rocket / Photo credit: Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades