Photo Credit: Screenshot from YouTube
Regavim spokesperson Naomi Kahn explaining the cost of water theft in the Negev, Aug 5, 2021.

As your water bills become more expensive, there are those who continue to benefit at your expense, notes Regavim spokesperson Naomi Kahn. It turns out Israeli taxpayers pay for water usage in the illegal Bedouin encampments in the Negev.


It looks like what happens in the Negev doesn’t really stay in the Negev. It digs deep into your pockets up north.

“Last week, the State Comptroller’s report confirmed what we’ve been saying for many years about water theft,” states the Regavim organization. “It’s easy to understand why those who receive ‘free’ water are not bothered by the current situation. But what about water companies that suffer losses of millions of shekels every year – why don’t they care? Watch and find out.”

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