Photo Credit: Jodie Maoz

The year has begun, the holidays are over, and we are left with a full week from Shabbat to Shabbat.

This is a time for us to make a change. Sometimes it can mean taking a quality of ours that we feel needs working on and changing it, but sometimes change can also mean adding something good into our lives, that will change us or our environment for the better.


I am a grandmother, so the days of sending my children to school are over. However, my next generation of children, my grandchildren, are just as close to me as my own children were when they were small.

Being a grandparent has the privilege of enjoying the children, while the actual caring and challenging long hours of bringing them up, rests upon their parents.

I have mentioned in the past, this is an ever changing generation. I don’t have small children and don’t need to check out which school can offer a better education for them. However, it’s not so simple to just stand on the side, and listen to my children express their search for someplace good that they wish to send their children to for the best education.

In this search, one of my children has found a school which seems to have been taken out of a fairy tale; where all the children are happy and love to attend school.

Can this be? In 2021, where the computers have gotten a better hold on all of us, especially young children, who know how to operate computers and smart phones much better than we do?

What can an institution which needs to teach, give these children without having them sit in front of a screen all day?

Children of all generations need the proper attention and a conducive environment, in order to learn and adapt the information they are given. This was always a task hard to reach.

My child has found this perfect institution which constantly works on that balance between learning what needs to be learned, and enjoying and loving school. Is this actually possible? Yes!

There is a special place right here in Jerusalem called “Mayim Chaim M’Yerushalayim,” the water of life from Jerusalem.

What a perfect name for teaching innocent and small children who are so eager to learn and only do good.

If we instill the Torah, which is the water of life, into our children and family in the best way, we are indeed changing our environment and we are bringing about change in the best way possible for all of mankind.

The children today are growing up in a world which is so quickly changing with the computer age. How can we make the Torah, which seems to be from so long ago, come alive like the shiny lights they see on the TV screen or on their phones?

This beautiful school which chooses special and outstanding, patient and loving people as their teachers and leaders, has found the way to bring up a wonderful generation, based and rooted on the paths of the Torah.

The “water” of life in Jerusalem is indeed what our “flowers,” our children, need to grow. Instead of having a break in-between classes, or recess as it is called, it’s called outside time. Outside of the class there is a garden and during this time, the children learn to care for plants and other life matter in the outdoors.

When they reenter the class and need to learn about worship that was done in the time of the holy Temple they actually take wood and build something with it, in order that they may live the words of the Torah and not just read about it.

Music is part of almost every class. Sometimes a message can be brought over so much better with a song or melody.

Music and art are the expression of the soul. There is so much that children can express through art. Children are delicate and fragile. And this wonderful place makes sure to guide and protect our children in the best way possible, so that the tough waters of the world, won’t wash away the innocence and beauty that each and every child is born with.

May the waters of Jerusalem water all the beautiful flowers that Hashem has given me and all the parents of the world.


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Michal can be reached at [email protected]