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Chava Stern
(Via E-Mail)

Hypocritical Al Gore


Jason Maoz’s Jan. 18 Media Monitor column onAl Gore was excellent. Gore’s hypocrisy on critical matters as well as his nimble position switches didn’t hurt him politically because, as a Democrat, he knew full well that the liberal media would never hound or even confront him.

If he were to ever run for office again, the $500 million sale to Al Jazeera would not be considered a contentious point liberal voters – even to Jewish voters. He’s a

Democrat; case closed.

Myron Hecker
New City, NY

Where’s The Hard Line?

By linking the terms “hard-line” and “Likud-leaning,” reader Leibel Korman (Letters, Jan. 18) is going against the historical facts.

Likud Prime Minister Menachem Begin relinquished the Sinai to Egypt.

Likud Prime Minister Ariel Sharon unilaterally withdrew from Gaza. During this unilateral withdrawal, the Jewish pioneers in Gaza were removed in a very cruel manner. If this is hawkish, I don’t know what hawkish is.

In 1977, Begin offered an autonomy plan for Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. If this is hard-line, I don’t know what hard-line is.

Originally, after the Six-Day War, many of the supporters of the Land of Israel movement – the movement to extend Jewish sovereignty over Judea, Samara, and Gaza – were Labor members. These included Rachel Yanait Ben-Zvi, who was the wife of Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, the second president of Israel. Rachel Yanait was a labor organizer in pre-state Israel during Turkish Ottoman rule.

Reuven Solomon
(Via E-Mail)


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