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    Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Baba Batra 31

    Baba Batra 31: May a person change his claim once in court?

    Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Baba Batra 30

    Baba Batra 30: Would you buy back your own stolen goods?

    GOP’s Israel Plank Challenges Democrats

    With significant pro-Israel voters in swing states, this year’s platforms could be more important than ever.

    My Rabbi’s Summer Vacation

    My Rabbi is in Miluim this summer. Where is your rabbi vacationing?

    Inspiration from Zion: This isn’t the “Wild West,” this IS Kibbutz Erez

    If Hollywood produced a movie about what happened in Kibbutz Erez on October 7th, viewers would find the plot unbelievable.

    The Biden Doctrine?

    The attack tells Team Obama-Biden this is not, at root, an Israeli-Palestinian war. Properly understood it is an asymmetric war against the U.S. launched by Iran.

    Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Baba Batra 27

    Baba Batra 27: In Talmudic math a square to a circle is greater by?

    The ICJ Ruling and Historical Precedent

    It’s easy enough just to say “to hell with them”, and ignore this pathetic act of lawfare against the Jewish State. But we need to do more...

    Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Baba Batra 26

    Baba Batra 26: When may a Jew cut down a tree?

    Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Baba Batra 24

    Baba Batra 24: Do you keep your city clean? It’s a Mitzvah!

    Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Baba Batra 23

    Baba Batra 23: How exact are the Rabbis’ measurements?

    Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Baba Batra 22

    Baba Batra 22: How important is women's perfume?

    Nearly 60% of ALL 2024 NYC Hate Crimes Have Been Against Jews

    For the first six months of the year, based on these monthly reports, over 59% of the hate crimes in New York City have been anti-Jewish hate crimes - 223 out of 377.

    Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Baba Batra 21

    Baba Batra 21: Can you make Talmudic Granola?

    Time for an Israel Hasbara Narrative Reset

    The proposal and suggestions presented in this blog are based on a need to change the manner in which Israel is presented to the public.

    Now What?

    Our actual duty is to face the truth, which is that the price of a deal is far too high and endangers the existence of the state. The only option is to increase the military pressure.

    The Short Vort: “Mah-Jongg!”

    “Four Crak! Three Bam! Eight Dot!” The words roll off the tongues of the four women, intensity focused on the small rectangular tiles before them. The...

    Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Baba Batra 20

    Baba Batra 20: How should we deal with noise pollution?

    Larry’s Letters: Israeli Strike Targeting Hamas Military Leader

    By now, the Washington Post should be able to provide accurate statistics.

    Major League Judaism

    Now that we can come home, why linger on in gentiles countries which are becoming more hostile every day?

    Daf Yomi Brain Teasers: Baba Batra 19

    Baba Batra 19: You can write on the wall but can you pee on it as well?

    Aliyah Commandos: Jewry on the Ropes: Part II

    ! Israel is at war! The lives of Jews around the world are threatened! And as long as Israel is forced to continue its battle against the enemies who rise up against it, the situation of world Jewry will worsen – that, my friends, is for sure.

    They Are NOT Our Cousins

    What about the line that “we both come from Avraham”?? Wouldn’t that make us one big happy (or miserable) family??


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