Word Prompt – Netilas Yadayim – Yehudah Pryce
Living in gratitude, with intention and purpose, especially the ultimate purpose, can positively affect your mood, outlook on life, and how your day-to-day interactions are experienced in a fundamental way.
Word Prompt – Netilas Yadayim – Shani Taragin
As our table is comparable to the Altar, and our bread like an offering brought on the Altar, we wash our hands before eating bread and thereby sanctify our eating.
Word Prompt – Netilas Yadayim – Asher Yablok
While we wonder if the head of the household could perhaps cut a little bit quicker, we are forced to pause at the beginning of the meal, with all the things we want to share on our minds, and wait quietly to connect the mitzvah of netilas yadayim with the lechem mishne.
Word Prompt – Netilas Yadayim – Eli Lebowicz
Washing our hands is one of the most common Jewish practices, which is also why it’s one of our most disliked practices. I’ve heard that our frequent hand-washing could be why many fewer Jews were victims of the Black Plague.
Word Prompt – Netilas Yadayim – Rachel Wizenfeld
With regard to netilas yadayim, one of the points he emphasized was that we are recognizing and acknowledging the sacredness of our hands, which we use to do the daily work of elevating this world.
Word Prompt – SAND – Maayan Zik
The imagery of sand also illustrates the vastness and diversity of the Jewish people around the world, for there are many different types, colors, and shapes of sand, much like our people all over the world.
Word Prompt – SAND – Yitzy Spinner
The Kli Yakar interprets Hashem’s comparison of the Jewish people to sand in an interesting way. He points out that sand is always subjected to forces from the waves, but it always holds together and never dissipates.
Word Prompt – SAND – Cheryl Kupfer
Our lives have a time limit. Some of us may have a bigger personal hourglass; some have smaller ones. Nonetheless, the sand in our unique hourglass is flowing down and our time in this world will conclude.
Word Prompt – SAND – Orit Riter
The Jewish people have a collective mission. Each grain of sand contributes value in restoring the world according to the Divine will.
Ann Diament Koffsky
The humble grains that mark time in an hourglass are the building blocks that make up our world.
Word Prompt – RIVKA – Rivka Schwartz
Torah Judaism makes all sorts of demands on us; of practice and belief, of moral stances that conflict with the culture around us. We have to contend with them, and prepare our children to contend with them.
Word Prompt – RIVKA – Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll
Rivka. The name of my grandmother. A Holocaust survivor, a partisan, and a rebuilder of worlds.
Word Prompt – RIVKA – Solly Hess
We must be careful not to limit Rivka’s legacy to a few highlights – the switch of the blessings, her zerizus in helping Eliezer – we must see the big picture and understand the foundational role she played in our history.
Word Prompt – RIVKA – Anat Coleman
I was relieved to study the parsha further as an adult and have the opportunity to re-explore what may have actually occurred to/with Rivka.
Word Prompt – RIVKA – Sharona Halickman
Rivka didn’t gloat to Yitzchak about the prophecies that she received. She learned from her prophecies and from her life experience about what needed to be done in order to insure proper continuity.
Word Prompt – ORANGES – Kylie Lobell
My husband Daniel and I moved from New York to Los Angeles 12 years ago, and during 10 of those years, we've had an orange tree in our backyard. This is common in LA, as the weather is ideal for growing produce.
Word Prompt – ORANGES – Sari Kopitnikoff
The contest was arranged by a navel orange company. The ask? Send us a photo of your family enjoying our oranges.
Word Prompt – ORANGES – Akiva Kra
I wish I could write an easy, 150-word guide on how to peel an orange; A step-by-step process of how to get the first part of the peel off, how to peel any of it without squirting the juice everywhere and getting sticky hands, and explaining how to avoid so many of the other unaddressed challenges in this underappreciated task.
Word Prompt – ORANGES – Naomi Nachman
I always thought it was amazing that oranges are a winter fruit loaded with vitamin c and other antioxidants allowing us to prepare ourselves and defend ourselves from all the viruses that come our way during this time.
Word Prompt – ORANGES – Sarah Pachter
By hashgacha, the same day, I interviewed Nova survivor Ofri Reiner, who shared an incredible story about oranges. For many Nova survivors, oranges have become a symbol of hope.
Word Prompt – IDF – Alex Fleksher
Everything changed this year, and I venture to say I'm not the only one with this experience. My eyes have been opened. I have learned so much. I have heard so many stories. I have seen so many faces.
Word Prompt – IDF – Sara Blau
When I think of IDF, I think of exceptional, special spiritual powers.
Word Prompt – IDF – Pesha Kletenik
This sacrifice reminds me of our brave IDF members, who have had to give up so much time with their families in order to carry out the holy work of defending the State of Israel.
Word Prompt – IDF – Yishai Fleisher
To fight in the IDF, the first Jewish fighting force in 2,000 years, is an amazing honor and is a life-changing experience.
Word Prompt – IDF – Naomi Mauer
The soldiers go out to war with the Shema on their lips. It's been very hard this past year and so many holy soldiers have been killed, but they went out in the name of Hashem, very devoted to the land and people of Israel.