100 People in Northern Israel Screened for Brain-Eating Amoeba

Everyone who is being screened for the organism spent time at the Gai Beach on Lake Kinneret.

Israeli Boy Hospitalized with Suspected Brain-Eating Amoeba

The boy is sedated and on a respirator at Ziv Medical Center in Safed.

Beilinson Launches Teen and Young Adult Cancer Clinic

Adolescents and young adults going through cancer treatment have unique challenges as they go through their treatment journey.

Catch a Virus by the Tail: Weizmann Institute Making Strides in Investigating Bacterial Immunity

A bacterial immune system that alters the tails of phages might help clarify an immunity mechanism in humans.

New Hope for Paralyzed Patients as Israeli Researchers Achieve Thought-Driven Speech

“In the future, it will be possible to train a computer for an ALS patient in the early stages of the disease while they can still speak."

Rosh Pina Kosher Meat Restaurant Charged with Death of Dairy-Allergic Patron

The Health Ministry’s report shows failures on the part of the hospital and Osher’s Leumit HMO.

Israeli Findings on a Hidden Brain Hub Open Path for New ADHD Treatment

The findings open a new door to potential new treatments for disorders characterized by impaired impulse control, such as ADHD, drug addiction and schizophrenia.

New AI Model That Identifies Disease Subtypes Could Improve Personalized Treatment

The model resulted in the identification of 515 disease candidates predicted to possess previously unannotated subtypes.

More Than a Dozen Israelis Killed by West Nile Virus

Most of the severe cases have struck immunocompromised people with pre-existing medical conditions, and the elderly.

U of Haifa Study: Two-Thirds of Israelis Abroad Suffer PTSD Since October 7

According to the study, 91% of Israelis living abroad were exposed to anti-Israel and antisemitic sentiment in the first two months of the war.

Israeli Man Infected With Rare ‘Brain-Eating’ Amoeba Dies

In most cases, nothing will happen to people who swim in waters where the amoeba is present, but in rare cases, one can be infected.

West Nile Virus Deaths Continue to Rise in Israel

"It is important to note that the virus does not pass from person to person and the disease does not pass back from person to mosquito."

Report: 150 Israelis Hospitalized with Coronavirus, 40% Rise from Early June

The corona continues to mutate, and now two new strains are becoming dominant in the world.

Seven Israelis Die, 81 Infected with West Nile Virus

The risk of significant morbidity is among adults and people with immunosuppression.

Sweet New MRI Method ‘Lights Up’ Pancreatic Cancer

The method could lead to earlier detection, better treatment and a more hopeful outcome for pancreatic cancer patients, the researchers said.

Update: 3 Fatalities, 42 Patients Diagnosed with West Nile Virus

Mosquitoes with the West Nile Virus were discovered this past week in the area of Ben Gurion International Airport and in Ramat Gan.

Update: West Nile Virus Diagnosed in 32 Israelis

Eleven people were diagnosed with the illness within the past 24 hours.

West Nile Virus Spreading in Central Israel

West Nile fever has been known in Israel for many years; it occurs mainly between the months of June and November.

War Forcing IDF to Return Reservists with PTSD to Service Before Completing Therapy

Prof. Yair Bar-Haim urges an exemption from additional military service for individuals already receiving therapy for PTSD until the therapeutic process has been completed.

MDA Prepares for Power Outages, Plans ‘Doomsday Protocols’ Ahead of War with Hezbollah

"As Hezbollah threatens to conquer Israeli cities and military bases, we are preparing for fierce fighting within Israel’s borders."

United Hatzalah Mourns the Death of Its Volunteer EMT, Hamas Hostage Dolev Yehoud

The entire United Hatzalah family bows its head in sorrow and grief upon receiving the bitter news that our dedicated volunteer EMT, Dolev Yehoud...

Man Indicted for Threatening Michigan Jewish Officials Is Too Crazy to Stand Trial

Carpenter claimed to have established a new sovereign nation called "New Israel."

Beilinson Medical Center Opens Virtual Hospital for Remote Care

The war has caused Israeli hospitals rethink how medical care is delivered to our patients and increasingly, there is a need for remote medical services.

Israeli Scientist Forces Brain Tumor Cells to ‘Burn Out’

When you disable the brakes on a race car, it quickly crashes. Dr. Barak Rotblat wants to do something similar to brain cancer cells.

Oct. 7 Terrorist Gets Surgery at Tel Aviv Hospital Despite Outrage

The Hamas Nukhba force member has been detained pending trial.

Eighth Field Hospital Established in Gaza, This One in Deir Al-Balah

This eighth hospital is located in the area of Deir al-Balah and will provide humanitarian aid to the Gazan residents temporarily evacuated from the eastern Rafah area.

Bar Ilan Researchers Measure Interaction bet. Immune and Cancer Cells in Patient’s Biopsy

New technology will assist medical professionals in determining the best course of tailored cancer treatment.

Policeman Injured in Jerusalem Stabbing Attack, Terrorist Neutralized

The police suspect that the terrorist is a tourist residing in Turkey.

War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz Injured on Holiday

The minister was taken to Sheba Medical Center, where he was treated for a broken ankle.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/health-and-medicine/100-people-in-northern-israel-screened-for-brain-eating-amoeba/2024/07/25/

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