Seltzer And Sensible Shoes
When walking down a sunny Jerusalem street with my father, he would attach clip-on sunglasses to his bifocals. When we would walk into an office or store, he would just flip them up so that he could let in the light. Perfectly practical and reasonable.
Mugged En Route
On the way to the store, though, Mr. Davis was accosted by two thugs, who beat him and forced him to hand over his wallet, which contained over $500. The thugs fled and were not caught. Mr. Davis required medical attention for his cuts but fortunately had no lasting injury.
Daf Yomi
Start Of The Yeshiva Semester
“Today Is Propitious…”
(Sanhedrin 65b-66a)
Remaining Objective – Parshat Yitro
What can we learn from a seeming grammatical anomaly?
Naomi Shemer’s Brooklyn: The Beit Yosef and Ohel Avraham Siddur
Shrem’s unique musical talents quickly earned him the right to serve as the chief chazzan at some of the most central and well-known Syrian shuls in the city: at Magen David and then Bnei Yosef.
A Fiery Love
I believe that Agam and her mother were bequeathed with the moral courage needed in these times from the days that our mothers stood tall in Mitzrayim.
Q & A: Tu B’Shevat
QUESTION: Since on Tu B'Shevat we do not celebrate with a festive meal. Then how do we mark this date on our calendar? Additionally is one allowed to fast on this day?M. Goldblum(Via E-Mail)
Tu B’Shvat – Message In A Tree
The quintessence of the story is that Abraham wanted to make it well-known to people that they should recognize G-d as the Creator and be grateful to Him. In order to get the audience for this message, he planted an eshel tree to make his place known and easily found.
The Customs Of Tu B’Shvat
One should take the opportunity afforded by Tu B'Shvat to reflect and thank G-d for the fruits that He has created for our enjoyment.
Q & A: Reciting Shema Yisrael With The Congregation (Part I)
Question: As I came into the synagogue, they were about to recite Keri’at Shema. I had as yet not put on my tefillin. What should one do in that situation?
A Reader
Via E-mail
Haftarat Parshat Yitro: Of Angels And Humans
This discrepancy between human and angelic perspectives plays a central role in Chazal’s account of the giving of the Torah, albeit in an entirely different vein. While no angels appear in the Torah’s version of the story, our Sages recount that at Sinai too, Moshe encounters conflict between himself and the angels.
The Miracles Of Jewish History: Survival
We have spent most of our history as oppressed people. For almost two thousand years, we were scattered across the world; in over one hundred countries. Despite all this, we survived and continue to identify with our people and heritage.
Charity, Justice, And Morality
The failure to observe the agricultural laws such as tithes, challah, and the Sabbatical year reflects an unbridled acquisitive drive and a failure to care for the poor and needy. G-d provides the antidote to this disease of greed through the laws of charity.
The Status Of A Fetus In Halacha (Part XI)
Why should the fact that the rodef is liable to be killed during his act of attempted murder affect whether or not he is chayiv to pay back the monetary damage he caused?
The Custom That Refused To Die
The custom of including the Ten Commandments as part of the Shema was once widespread, but from a certain point in time it was systematically opposed by the Sages. Why did they object to it?
Searching For Hashem
Man will be disappointed when he realizes that Hashem is no longer in such close proximity as He was in this world.
Parents, Teachers, and the Image of G-d
There is one great payback to mentoring. It brings one a certain type of immortality even in this world.
The Wondrous Mitzvah of Tefillin (Part I)
Tefillin is a daily reminder to avoid sin which would result in punishment and to do mitzvos which earn us great reward.
Silver And Gold Deities
There cannot possibly be a substitute for the experience of encountering the knowledge of Hashem once it has directly impacted upon one’s consciousness.
Mob Psychology And Courageous Dissent
When fear and panic spiral out of control, even well-intentioned caution can lead to the unjust suppression of legitimate questions and concerns.
A Female Bird
Midyan therefore embody a double-edged sword. On the one hand, being descendants of Avraham with the attribute of controlled chesed, they are attracted to Am Yisrael, out of love. On the other hand, they are not Am Yisrael and do not have our Torah values – so they potentially pose a threat.
A Tzaddik Falls Seven Times And Rises
Most of humanity lies somewhere along the middle of the spectrum. Our point of free will is located in the decision sphere of whether or not to gossip, to hit snooze, to give charity, to smile, to eat right, etc. These are the battles of inches; sometimes we win, and sometimes we lose.
Cursers and the Accursed
Were it not for [King] David, who was engaged in Torah learning, Yoav would not have been successful in battle, and were it not for Yoav’s skills as a warrior, [King] David would not have been able to study the Torah.
You Never Know
The greatest challenge is to recognize one’s inner greatness and get past all the impediments that get in the way of that growth.
Is It Proper To Conduct Or Join A Tu B’Shevat Seder?
I’d like to believe the trendiness of these minhagim is coming from the same good place – a yearning for more spirituality, and these practices are one way to express it.
Remembering My Zaidy, Shalom
Despite the limited time I spent with him, my grandfather’s warm and loving personality left a permanent mark on me. His kindness, humility, and wisdom are values I carry with me every day.
Sparkling Floors
I was fed up. I had this useless machine taking up space for no reason. I had an ultimatum in my mind that if by chodesh Elul there was no solution, I would bring the machine to my daughter’s house and it could take up space in their home.
Relative Testimony
The Torah disqualifies relatives of a litigant from testifying, replied Rabbi Dayan. This applies whether they want to testify to their relative’s benefit or detriment, and even if they are righteous like Moshe and Aharon, who are not suspect to lie (C.M. 33:10).