The Kamala Coverup Begins

You can truly be unburdened by the past when it’s being rewritten for you.

Mount Herzl: One Of The Holiest Mountains In Jerusalem

But what makes Mount Herzl a holy mountain stems from the thousands of soldiers who are buried in the military section. Here are the gravestones that testify to the supreme sacrifice that each of them made for the sake of Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael.

A Time For New Thinking In The Charedi World (Part II)

Sadly, the charedi leadership sees it as a religious imperative of the highest order to resist any change regarding national service, even for those (estimated at 35%) who are not in yeshiva and not learning.

Biden’s Remaining Days In Office

The bottom line for the U.S. thus became a Hamas-manipulated limit on how Israel could fight its war with Hamas, thereby encouraging Hamas’s recalcitrance and terrorism. But the problem didn’t end there.

A Moment Of Revelation Trumps All

In that moment of reflection, I once again was poignantly reminded that, despite his flaws, Trump had genuinely cared about America. He had fought for what he believed was best for our great country, often facing immense opposition and criticism. His resilience and determination were undeniable.

From Tech To Tanks And Back To Tech

Surely, all these years later, you’ve heard that Israel is The Startup Nation, but perhaps it’s time to retire that title and change it to something more along the lines of Scale up Nation.

At The Ready

Once you throw your lot in with the State of Israel, there’s an implicit understanding that one day you may be called on to protect those around you. This reality accentuates the contrast between Israel and America.

The Democratic Presidential Nominee Should Own Joe Biden’s Failures

A person of his sadly apparent diminished capacity should certainly not be entrusted with the responsibilities of so high an office as President of the United States.

The International Court Of Justice Ruling Is A Nothing Burger

In fact, the ICJ is hardly a court. Its judges are merely political appointees acting upon instructions from their respective governments, presided over by a Lebanese judge with a record of hostile, anti-Israel political statements.

Shabbos Kestenbaum On His RNC Speech: The Orthodox Jew Suing Harvard Responds to Critiques...

Let’s elect a president who recognizes that although Harvard and the Ivy Leagues have long abandoned the United States of America, the Jewish people never will, because Jewish values are American values and American values are Jewish values, he said in his speech.

What Happens Now? A Dem Civil War

“The leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.”

No, the Jihad Conquest of Palestine Was Not a ‘Liberation’

The jihad conquest of Palestine was not a "liberation," and most assuredly did not "reinstate Judaism and Jewishness to Jerusalem."

From Democracy to Donorocracy

Donors decided Biden should step out. Now donors will pick Kamala’s VP.

Biden Unfit to be Candidate, Yet Fit to be President?

If Biden is unfit to run, he must step down or be impeached.

War of Words: Part IV: Arab and Jewish Contributions to WWII Efforts

12,000 Palestinian Arabs and 30,000 Palestinian Jews volunteered for the British Army.

The Secret Service Must Be Revamped

It is easy to denounce violence by one's opponents. It is far more difficult, but more important, to denounce violence by one's allies.

A Crack in the Wall: The Battle for the Soul of Haredi Education

I believe that the Rabbi's concern for “educational purity” (preserving the sanctity of Torah studies) also reveals a deep fear of change

A Big Win for Israel

...but very much NOT for the Biden administration

Biden’s Legacy: A World in Flames

The reversion to Obama’s foreign policy and appeasement of Iran spawned an escalation of terrorism that endangers the West while killing Israelis.

Injustice, Israel, and the “International Court of Justice”

The ICJ's "advisory opinion" on Israeli "settlements" in Jerusalem and the West Bank is an injustice that gives evidence of considerable bias against the Jewish State.

Hamas’s ‘Popularity’: Attempt To Deceive The American Public?

Since the October 7 attack, satisfaction among the Palestinians in the West Bank with the "performance" of Hamas murderers and rapists has risen to 82%.

Why I Love Being Jewish

I love the closeness Jews instinctively have towards one another during tough times like shiva, illnesses, and tragedies, and I love the joy we share celebrating in each other’s semachot.

Putting Israel’s Economy and Society on Emergency Footing

It is time to raid the high schools, university campuses, and senior citizen homes for manpower; to press the entire Israeli public, young and old of all hues and stripes, into industrial and emergency service.

Do No Harm…Unless!

The number of incidents is way too long to cite in this article. But there is little doubt that the world of medicine has become sick.

The Shot Heard Round the World

We need to take advantage of this moment of conciliation, sincere or not, that has resulted from the terrible event of July 13. Then we wait for November 5

The Iron Swords War: The Strategic Balance So Far and What’s Next

Israel is facing difficult years of a prolonged existential struggle. To this end, it is imperative for Israel to be led by a leadership that enjoys the broad trust of the public.


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