How well do you know the Land of Israel?

Today's Daf Yomi

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Canada Revokes JNF’s Tax-Exempt Status: It Supports the IDF

“JNF Canada will continue its charitable activity including collecting and receipting donations and distributing funds while the legal challenge is before the Federal Court of Appeal."

Religious Zionism MK’s Bill Countermands Sanctions on Settlers Via the Bank of Israel

There’s a fundamental problem with MK Sukkot’s bill: it oversteps the Bank of Israel Law.

Plans for Massive New Greater Tel Aviv Rail Lines Moving Forward

The metro network will include three lines, 150 km of underground tracks and 109 stations.

Kamala Demands Bibi End Arab Suffering in Gaza, Settler Violence in Judea and Samaria

This was an American threat against Israel’s entire strategy in Gaza.

Ben Gvir Wins Round One in Court over Distribution of Weapons Permits to Civilians

However, judging by the attitudes of the judges, this is far from being a victory for Ben Gvir’s ministry.

Netanyahu Finally Meets Biden at the White House

"From a proud Jewish Zionist to a proud Irish American Zionist, I want to thank you for 50 years of public service and 50 years of support for the State of Israel."

IDF: Hostages Bodies Were Found Beneath Humanitarian Area

"We are determined to use all operational and intelligence means to bring home all our hostages. Any decent country in the world would do the same."

PA Budget Crisis Doesn’t Halt ‘Pay for Slay’ Program, Report Finds

Despite claiming to be operating at a 172% budget deficit, the Palestinian Authority recently recognized 899 new prisoners from Gaza and tens of thousands more Gaza “martyrs” as eligible for controversial “pay for slay” payouts.

They’ve Learned Nothing: Ministers Support Salam Fayyad to Run Post-War Gaza

Salam Fayyad is behind the plan to expand the takeover of Judea and Samaria and create a "Palestinian" State.

Hamas Terrorists Kill Gazans at UNRWA School with Failed Rocket Attack Aimed at Israel

Over the past 24 hours, the IAF struck more than 60 terror targets throughout Gaza, including military structures and terrorist infrastructure.

Republican Jews’ First Attack Ad on Kamala Harris: Her Priorities are NOT Our Priorities

"Kamala Harris' priorities are not the Jewish community's priorities."

A Vindictive Pelosi Blasted for Demeaning Netanyahu’s Speech

Nadler lost a lot of credit with me by suggesting Netanyahu is willing to sacrifice the lives of hundreds of IDF soldiers to save his hide.

The Kamala Coverup Begins

You can truly be unburdened by the past when it’s being rewritten for you.

Mount Herzl: One Of The Holiest Mountains In Jerusalem

But what makes Mount Herzl a holy mountain stems from the thousands of soldiers who are buried in the military section. Here are the gravestones that testify to the supreme sacrifice that each of them made for the sake of Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael.

A Time For New Thinking In The Charedi World (Part II)

Sadly, the charedi leadership sees it as a religious imperative of the highest order to resist any change regarding national service, even for those (estimated at 35%) who are not in yeshiva and not learning.

A Moment Of Revelation Trumps All

In that moment of reflection, I once again was poignantly reminded that, despite his flaws, Trump had genuinely cared about America. He had fought for what he believed was best for our great country, often facing immense opposition and criticism. His resilience and determination were undeniable.

From Tech To Tanks And Back To Tech

Surely, all these years later, you’ve heard that Israel is The Startup Nation, but perhaps it’s time to retire that title and change it to something more along the lines of Scale up Nation.

Eli Moshe Zimbalist’s Father Remembers His Fallen Son

At the end of his advanced training the army wanted him for an officers course. He declined because he didn’t want to extend his time in the army. He wanted to go back to the beit midrash.
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Israel Gone Global

Yishai is on a grassy hill in Buffalo and goes over the amazing Netanyahu speech in Congress, and plays another great talk by Shabbos Kestenbaum at the RNC about campus antisemitism. Then, MK Dan Ilouz is fired up against a Pali state. And finally, Byron Stinson on how bringing the Red Heifers to Israel may have inadvertently started the October 7th war. Plus, Ben Bresky on the story of saintly Ohr Hachayim!

Undaunted & Unafraid: Bibi Goes to Washington – Pull Up a Chair [audio]

Self-defense is a moral obligation and doing the right thing can be a lonely endeavor. Also, look at someone's friends and you'll know who he is. A word - and warning - to the wise.

Antisemitism In The US – The Jay Shapiro Show [audio]

Antisemitism in the US has reached new heights including demonstrations against the Israeli Prime Minister at the US Congress

Pacing Change

A leader who fails to work for change is not a leader. But a leader who attempts too much change in too short a time will fail.

Beat The Heat

If we seek to live our lives based on our own abilities and means, we are very limited. However, if we live with the awareness that it’s Hashem’s world, and we are merely trying to play our part in the divine plan, then we tap into the infinitude of the divine.

Can You Really Become As Great As Moshe Rabbeinu?

We are each endowed with our own unique potential, and everything in our life – down to the smallest detail – is here to help us fulfill our unique role.

The Kuzari Principle Revisited

Before you call me an apikores, no proof is good if it isn’t subject to honest evaluation and criticism.

Is It Proper To Go To A Baseball Game During The Three Weeks?

Many poskim hold that since the music at a baseball game is incidental, one may attend a baseball game during the Three Weeks.

17th of Tammuz

17th of Tammuz: Beginning 3 weeks of mourning for the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

Differential Enemies

An Egyptian whose ancestors committed genocide against our people may be accepted as a convert after three generations, but a Moabite and Amonite – who never gave us bread and water, they may never be accepted?

Causing Pain – Parshat Balak

What is the biblical source for not causing pain to animals?

The Destination And The Journey

In the human experience, there’s no guarantee of a safe and successful landing and return. What is critical is not the ultimate destination, but the values we bring to the journey of life.

Muhammad Deif & Donald Trump – Making Sense Of What Happened

When you feel that the world is going mad, it is important to return to our sources. Our Torah portion this week reminds us that what we are experiencing today has occurred before.

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