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Today's Daf Yomi

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The Bulletin Board

Trump Gains Release of American Marc Fogel from Russian Prison

“It’s a very important evening for ending that war,” the president remarked, adding, "This could be a big, important part in getting the war over with Ukraine."

Immigration Judge Allows Gazan Family to Settle in UK

Another immigration tribunal ruled that an Albanian criminal could stay in the UK because his son can't tolerated foreign chicken nuggets.

IDF Preparing for Largest Reserves Mobilization Since October 7 Should Ceasefire Collapse

Gaza Strip Arabs are increasingly fearful of a renewed war, while Hamas is concerned about potential Israeli "treachery" targeting its leaders and operatives.

A Hero’s Lookout

Roey Weiser and his squad managed to kill over 150 Hamas terrorists until they ran out of bullets.

Netanyahu: Foreign Funds Fueled ‘Spontaneous’ Anti-Government Protests

An "almost inconceivable" amount of foreign funding was behind the "so-called 'popular and spontaneous' protest movement," said the Israeli premier.

Netanyahu: Ceasefire Ends Unless Hostages are Freed on Saturday

Echoing the demand by U.S. President Donald Trump, the Israeli prime minister issued Hamas an ultimatum and threatened its “total defeat.”

Israel’s Average Annual Income Reaches Unprecedented High at $48,166.52

Another key factor behind the sharp rise in tax collections for January is the VAT rate increase from 17% to 18% beginning January 1.

Trump: Ukraine ‘May Be Russian Someday’ or Not, But I Want my Billions Back in Minerals

"I told them I want the equivalent of about $500 billion worth of rare earth minerals, and they’ve essentially agreed to that," Trump said.

Trump’s Envoy Steve Witkoff on Secret Mission in Moscow

Israel is also in contact with Russia regarding the release of hostages held by Hamas.

Israeli Useful Idiots Attack the Government over Hamas’s Threat to Suspend Hostages Return

One cannot help noticing that only one thing about the radicals' statement is firmly anchored in reality: hatred for Netanyahu.

Shlomo Mansour, Oldest Israeli Hostage, Murdered in Captivity

Mansour is survived by his wife of 60 years, children and grandchildren.

Trump Warns Jordan, Egypt: If You Don’t Accept Gaza Arabs, I’ll Cut Off Your Aid

“We’ll build safe communities a little bit away from where they are, away from all of this danger,” Trump pitched his message.

Why Hamas Should Heed Trump’s Warnings

Trump’s declarations to Hamas are far more than mere rhetoric. These are concrete intentions backed by Israeli military readiness and U.S.-Israeli coordination.

Part I: Impact of AI Technology: Artificial Intelligence and the Ever-Changing Day School and Yeshiva Landscape

It is one level to understand, appreciate and embrace AI generated innovation; its another level of cognition to learn how to use it and apply it effectively as well as how to celebrate its use in our schools.

Israel and Greece in 2025

Israeli-Greek relations were tested during the Israel-Hamas war. While Greece preferred to take a balanced stance at the UN level, it was eager to cement its strategic partnership with the Jewish State in difficult times.

If hostages are being abused, their captors shouldn’t be rewarded

Three men released by Hamas looked like Nazi death-camp survivors. Israel and the United States must not allow the terrorists to survive and thrive.

‘The Palestinian People Does Not Exist’

On the world stage and promoted by the legacy media, the Palestinian issue is relentlessly and often callously exploited by ruthless jihadist Islamists and their sympathizers, despite the immense suffering of many innocent civilians from both parties to the conflict.

The Gaza Plan Makes Sense

Does anyone know that Islam is the largest practitioner of gender and religious apartheid? And of slavery?

Fighting the Other Israeli War

Rabbi Menachem Bombach, founder of the Netzach Educational Network, has devoted his life to increasing haredi integration into Israeli society.
Jerusalem, Israel
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Gaza Trump Plaza

Is the Trump idea for Gaza a good one? Yishai breaks down the Trump-Netanyahu press conference. Jake Turx, Chief White House Correspondent for Mishpacha Magazine, joins Yishai from DC to get a sense of the atmosphere there. Then, Malkah Fleisher helps understand the significance of Trump's first two weeks in office. Finally, Ben Bresky on rebuilding a Lithuanian yeshiva in Israel after the Holocaust. Plus, Table Torah on defeating Amalek!

We Want Justice; Remembering Nati Ozeri H”yd – The Jewish Truth Bomb [audio]

Join my group - Israel News Talk Radio · We Want Justice; Remembering Nati Ozeri H"yd...

Sparkling Floors

I was fed up. I had this useless machine taking up space for no reason. I had an ultimatum in my mind that if by chodesh Elul there was no solution, I would bring the machine to my daughter’s house and it could take up space in their home.

Relative Testimony

The Torah disqualifies relatives of a litigant from testifying, replied Rabbi Dayan. This applies whether they want to testify to their relative’s benefit or detriment, and even if they are righteous like Moshe and Aharon, who are not suspect to lie (C.M. 33:10).

Daf Yomi

Global Shabbos – Everywhere Simultaneously? Departing After Shabbos, Arriving On Shabbos (Sanhedrin 58b)

From Russia To Hebrew Via Yiddish: The Shivchei Ge’ulim Siddur

The different target audiences led to the siddurim being printed in two versions: while the siddurim for olim from the Soviet Union contained the Israeli national prayers, those sent through various clandestine paths to Soviet Jews themselves contained no elements which might anger the Soviet authorities.

Q & A: The 25th Yahrzeit Of HaRav Sholom Klass, zt”l

I am sure that after all these years, Rabbi Sholom Klass is looking down, from his lofty abode, upon The Jewish Press and its current progression as a beacon for the Jewish community and its continual support for the State of Israel, and feeling great pride.

Tu B’Shvat 5785: Celebrating Productivity And Resilience

The Jewish people possess unique resilience. While all nations experience decline, Jews are distinguished by their ability to recover and rebuild. Unlike other civilizations that fade after their historical peaks, the Jewish people have consistently risen after setbacks.

Culpability Should Be On Hamas! Not Israel!

It is critical to understand that Israel did not seek out this conflict... The objective has always been clear: a stable, peaceful region where Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side, with dignity and security.

The Status Of A Fetus in Halacha (Part X)

There is a general principle that when one sees someone in the act of violating an aveirah, the witness should warn them before the aveirah takes place. Why then, in the case of rodef, does the Gemara say that hasra’ah is not required?

Not Complaining, Just Explaining – Parshat Beshalach

One big lesson we can learn, is stop complaining, see the טוב.

TORAH SHORTS: Parshat Beshalach: Tactical Deception and Clueless Pawns

Those who are skilled in producing surprises Are as infinitely varied as heaven and earth, And as inexhaustible as the great rivers. -Sun Tzu

The Tree Of The Field (Part II)

The overarching texts and principles that guide the Seder Tu B’Shvat are the two trees that were created in the Garden of Eden and the biblical passage stating that the human being is a tree of the field (Devarim 20:19).

Natural Miracles

Seeing the Egyptians close in on them, the Jews did what they had originally done to escape oppression; they cried out to G-d to save them. But this time, G-d threw the ball into their court and said, “a titzak elei, daber el benei Yisrael veyisau – Why are you crying out to me, speak to the Israelites and let them start moving (14:15).

The Art Of Silence (Part II)

This concept is consistent with the Gemara in Masechtas Sanhedrin that states categorically, Adam la’amal peh nivrah – A person was created primarily for the toil of the mouth. In other words, the greatest arena of achievement in life is in one’s control of their speech.

A Compassionate Heart

In order to perform acts of kindness with each other, they would each have to overlook the deficits and defects of the other.

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