Dear Dr. Yael

Unfortunately, often parents can raise many children while many children cannot always care for their parents properly. It is so important that those who are suffering have a support group to turn to to help them through this difficult time period.

Clothes Make The (Wo)Man

If a kallah was writing with this question about her chosson, I believe that there would be little to no pushback. A girl is allowed to notice clothing, but a guy is not?

Kids Called Nerds: Can They Succeed Socially?

What is the nature of these social disabilities and what, if anything, can parents do to help their children and adolescents fit in?

Dear Dr. Yael

I know that we have little control in our life other than how we will handle the challenges that Hashem gives us. We can only work on ourselves.

Too Good To Be True

Sometimes we want something so much that we negate things that typically matter to us.

Just A Regular Kid

Now, watching her daughter’s forlorn profile through the window, Miriam thought, Riki was once a good, happy kid. I don’t know what’s going on but I’m going to find a way back to that place. There has to be a way.

Dear Dr. Yael

Perhaps you can ask directly for more help from your other siblings. Share with them how much you would appreciate their direct help as your one sister does.


I agree that a six-week break so early in your dating process is complicated and perhaps even unrealistic. When your connection is still so tenuous and new, it can be hard to nurture it with six weeks dividing you.

Grown Up And Still Struggling: Journal Of An Adult With Attention Deficit Disorder

In retrospect, I never was able to get my act together. My childhood was marked by disorganization and clumsiness. I never had pens or loose leaf paper, my briefcase was always a mess, and I was a chronic latecomer. I remember several particularly painful episodes.

Dear Dr. Yael

Every situation is different. Also, it is important to try to remember that your children may still love you, even if they don’t come for the holidays. Perhaps they have more difficult children or really need more space for whatever reason.

Best Friends Forever

It is true that if you date your friend’s brother and it doesn’t work, even with care and respect, it is unlikely that your friendship would be unaffected. He is her brother, her family, and as much as she loves you, there is great potential for awkwardness at the very least, and even a ruined friendship.

Fighting In The Family: Sibling Rivalry Decoded

It doesn’t matter how good a parent you are, your kids will at some point feel that a sibling got more attention, more gifts, or more cake than they did.

Dear Dr. Yael

I tell you this story as a way of giving you chizuk to do what is not simple.

Age Gap

I appreciate your position. I really do. At the same time, the chance (even the small chance) that this could be your happily ever after means that you need to try.

Will You Marry My Parents?

Of course, you both feel torn when faced with their concerns. They are your parents and you are conditioned to agree with them. At the same time, their disagreements are not yours, and are creating painful conflict between a couple that otherwise feels just right.

Cockroaches, Towels, Peer Pressure, And You (Continued From Last Week)

The problem arises when the peers are not all you would have liked them to be, and your child is facing some strong pressure to conform to standards that he knows are not acceptable or, at best, can be found in the murky ‘grey area.’

Dear Dr. Yael

You will ultimately work less hard if your children and grandchildren are involved. Complimenting them for helping you will also build their self-esteem. Additionally, they will learn how to deal more effectively with their own children if you delegate tasks to your children and demonstrate appreciation.

Be Present: It’s A Gift

If you are asking me if being happy is a bad thing, I couldn’t possibly disagree. If you are wondering if I believe in being mindful and present, then the answer is of course, ‘yes.’

Cockroaches, Towels, Peer Pressure, And You

I present you with this research data not because it’s interesting or cute, but so that you will fully appreciate the significance of the power of peer pressure.

Dear Dr. Yael

For those of you who are dating, I ask you to try not to marry someone with the hope of changing them. A healthy marriage can help someone grow emotionally, spiritually and bolster someone’s self-esteem.

The Road Map To Dating

A reputation is something that someone builds over time, so we can trust that this is going to give us a better understanding of their true character and behavior.

Reading, Interrupted: Educating Those With ADHD

The New York Times explains that in order to be diagnosed with ADHD, children should have at least six attention symptoms or six activity and impulsivity symptoms – to a degree beyond what would be expected for children their age.

Dear Dr. Yael

I applaud your attitude as you seem to appreciate all the brachos that Hashem gave you as well as treasure all the good years in your marriage. We can all learn from your positive attitude in life.


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