Ticking Tempers: How To Solve, Surrender, Or Simulate?
Expecting children in whom these skills are delayed to behave rationally when upset, and to penalize them for not doing so, is unrealistic, Greene argues. These children do not choose to behave badly any more than a child would choose to have a reading disability.
I think the reason that the guys are not able to validate your argument however, is not because they can’t agree on your delineated list of chores. I believe instead, that your fifty-fifty attitude is probably holding them back.
Looking Fear In The Eye: Facing Phobias Head On
A certain amount of anxiety as we go about our daily lives is normal. Most adults can navigate their way through the nagging concerns that dog their thoughts without getting derailed by them. Children, however, have a much harder time handling anxiety.
Dear Dr. Yael
Don’t say things to yourself that you would not say to a good friend. Be understanding, gentle, accepting, and loving to yourself as you would with someone else that you care about.
The Money Tree
You family has done you a disservice in not being more transparent about the money that they earn to afford the lifestyle that they have raised you in and the effort that it takes for them to get there. Life in expensive.
Ready To Be Redt: Helping Singles Through Social Skills Training
Nechama is one of countless singles whose shidduch prospects are being limited by a lack of social skills. Such skills run the gamut from communication skills and grooming to anger management and stress control. And while social skills issues plague people of all ages, they are particularly damaging to singles on the shidduch scene.
Dear Readers
Meira in Hebrew means giving light and our beautiful Meira was a light so bright, who during her young life, managed to chase away the darkness of her challenges to inspire her family, friends and community.
Sister Stand-Still
Perhaps though, decide to rely on Hashem and relinquish the power you are clinging to with shaky hands. Tell your parents that you would like to discuss the option of your sister dating as well and surrender your role as gatekeeper to a greater master plan.
Words As Weapons: Learning To Use Words Positively
Many of us remember our parents telling us that if people called us names or hurt our feelings, we should simply tell ourselves, Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never harm me. Unfortunately, that logic does not hold true.
Dear Dr. Yael
It is OK to mention my child to me. In fact, as I wrote above, it comforts me.
Take a moment to catalogue the net you have cast in shidduchim. Have you only reached out to people in your community, your state, or your exact upbringing? Consider widening the net to include a broader scale of possibilities.
Temper Those Tantrums
Temper tantrums or fits are common for terrible twos and children entering adolescence. Interestingly, the reasons behind the tantrums and the effective ways to deal with these tantrums are the same regardless of age.
Dear Dr. Yael
The first thing I would recommend is for you and your husband to make some extra time for your marriage. Going out together, without any children, does wonders for that dimming spark, as you and your husband will be able to just enjoy each other without all of the distractions of daily life.
Show Me The Money!
I know that this will be uncomfortable for you to hear and will not offer you the satisfaction and peace of mind that you crave, but I need you to stay in your own lane. Unless you or your chosson are contributing financially to the wedding, this is not your business.
Street Smarts: A Different Type Of Social Skill
In reality, we are not born with street smarts or social skills. Some children pick up on social cues from birth, while others need to be taught these skills explicitly.
Dear Dr. Yael
I know that people really mean well. So next time you pay a shiva call, think before you go - How can I make the person and or people sitting shiva feel more comfortable?
It might be prudent to explore why you have kept this secret. Sometimes we are conditioned to be ashamed, embarrassed, and diminished by those who love us best because they worry about shidduchim, or perceived judgment they imagine you will face.
Parents: Missing In Action?
There was a time, not too long ago, when being a good parent was the most valued achievement in our community... Today, we pay a great deal of lip service to this concept, but in practice, we allow many other priorities, such as succeeding in our careers, social obligations and self-fulfillment, to compete with the one we profess to cherish most.
Dear Dr. Yael
Relationships are complicated. Children react differently to their parents. Unfortunately in many situations that I work with, the in-law children sometimes influence their spouses to have less derech eretz for their parents.
I Guarantee It!
Many couples in your circle will get married and build loving and successful lives together. They are the waves we can rely on. They reassure us and give us hope for ourselves.
Life In A Minefield: Helping the Explosive Child
It is crucial for parents to think clearly and stay calm – not an easy thing to do when a child is in the midst of a full blown tantrum, complete with kicking, screaming, and breaking things. Parents should also avoid turning the episode into a power struggle.
Dear Dr. Yael
Unfortunately, often parents can raise many children while many children cannot always care for their parents properly. It is so important that those who are suffering have a support group to turn to to help them through this difficult time period.
Clothes Make The (Wo)Man
If a kallah was writing with this question about her chosson, I believe that there would be little to no pushback. A girl is allowed to notice clothing, but a guy is not?