Dear Dr. Yael

As a grandparent, it is definitely a huge gift to give your children time to get away; however, you also have to know your limits.

Be Real

Reflect on the moments where he yelled or screamed. You may notice that there are even more instances than you originally noticed.

What Are You Feeling?

Sometimes it is hard to name what you are feeling. Suddenly, you feel hot. You feel a bit of a burning session in your chest and on your neck. You can open a window to cool off, but you might not actually be addressing where that physical manifestation is coming from.

Dear Dr. Yael

Driving in the tri-state area can be very difficult. There is a lot of traffic and impatient drivers. I think for all of us who drive, we feel the constant frustration in dealing with so much craziness on the road.

Same Ending. Different Story

While this is not simple, it is certainly possible. While, you may see that you are less malleable, you may notice that you are wiser, and more focused on what truly matters in building a happy life.

Teens And Honesty

Feeling like you are different can affect your self-esteem. And self-esteem is essential for forming healthy relationships.

Dear Dr. Yael

The truth is that we can’t improve the situation without working on ourselves. Every person only has the power to change themselves.

Rethinking Explosive Children

Rather than attempting to modify behaviors right away, Dr. Greene advocates for solving the underlying problems. That means that the challenging behaviors that we might want to change are symptoms of a larger issue that we should focus on rather than those specific challenging behaviors.

Dear Dr. Yael

The dynamic of talking in shul during prayer or the reading of the Torah, when all is said and done is, with regard to many congregants, a conscious willingness to pervert the fundamental spiritual decorum.

One Way Street

It is inappropriate to date two girls at once. This applies to any number of dates that have passed. It’s wrong and there is no way to change that.

Lighthouse Parenting

If resilience were a trait, something you had or didn’t have, there would be little we could do to foster it in our children. Part of what is so exciting – and important – about the work of youth development is that children’s resilience is largely determined by how parents and communities raise them.

Dear Dr. Yael

It seems like Hashem gave you important things in life that money can’t buy. He gave you a special husband and a good family. These brachos are invaluable. Money does not buy happiness.

I Can(t)

Sit down for a minute. Just one minute, because this is going to be hard for you to hear. Date him. Date him with intention and an open mind and heart. Focus entirely on him when you date and give him the best version of you filled with enthusiasm and positivity.

Learning to Belong

Women have a particularly difficult time with shame because there are different (often stricter) societal expectations for women as mothers, fashion figures, and careerists. Therefore, it’s really important to recognize the negative effects of shame on your life and to transform yourself in an effort to control it.

Dear Dr. Yael

First try to figure out what is making your husband angry. He may have an issue with anger in general, but perhaps you can isolate the trigger points.

Last (Wo)Man Standing

It's okay not to attend. You don’t need to give a reason. You can just say that you wish her the greatest happiness but you won’t be able to fly in. That’s it. No explanation necessary.

Dear Dr. Yael

The most important thing is to keep reminding yourself that you are okay and safe to try to not encode this experience in a traumatic way.

A Picture Is Worth…

People look different in person, and you know… when they are not two dimensional. People look different after we talk to them, after we connect with them, and certainly after we LIKE them.

Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf?

As your child grows and learns more about the world, it is natural for him to be hesitant or fearful of new circumstances. In some ways, it is good your child is afraid – it will make him more cautious and careful.

Dear Dr. Yael

You cannot blame your parents who probably suffer silently with the same situation. Please speak to your mechanechet who probably is not aware of your situation. Perhaps she can set up some kind of activity (even a chesed activity) that will foster friendships.

On The Hook

While this is someone you really like, someone you even imagined marrying, you are not comfortable in this place of indecision. You don’t want to make a mistake by dismissing the person who could potentially be your zivug, but you are also not happy to live without any form of real commitment.

Red Flags: How Do I Spot Them?

We are Jews dating Jews. Regardless of your background or hashkafa, right or left, black hat or baseball cap, look for someone who believes in Da'as Torah.

What Happened To You?

Our experiences quite literally shape us – and more specifically – shape our brains. That means that we will each see the world in a unique way because of the way that our previous experiences have shaped our brains.

Dear Dr. Yael

They found that sharing similar personality traits does not necessarily mean that a relationship will be more satisfying; however, perceiving that you are more similar will usually predict more satisfaction in a relationship.


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