IAI Introduces ‘Wind Demon’ Air-to-Surface Cruise Missile

Celebrated for its effectiveness and efficiency, the Wind Demon boasts a meager cost-per-hit ratio.

Cruz: Biden Let Iran Build Drones Made ‘Almost Entirely’ of US Parts

"Military production of the drones is financed by funds available to the Iranian regime, including roughly $100 billion that the Biden administration has allowed to flow to the ayatollah," the Texas senator said.

Blinken: Iranian Nuclear Breakout ‘One or Two Weeks Away’

""What we've seen in the last weeks and months is Iran is actually moving forward with this program.

Hudaydah Raid a Step Up in Israel’s Security Strategy

We may be entering in earnest the next phase of the Israel-Iran war.

DNC Publishes Biden’s Plan for Israel and Its Neighbors with Palestinian State and Punishing...

President Biden and Vice President Harris oppose any unilateral steps by either side — including annexation — that undermine prospects for two states.

Trump to World Adversaries: Return our Hostages or Pay ‘Big Price’

He criticized the Biden-Harris administration, alleging they inherited a peaceful world but transformed it into a global conflict zone.

Three Israelis Arrested for Harming National Security at Iran’s Behest

A citizen from Beit Shemesh near Jerusalem, was charged with illegal contact with a foreign agent.

Israel’s 53rd Raid on Syria in 2024 Kills and Injures 7 Regime and Iranian...

"The sounds of explosions were heard as a result of the air defenses trying to intercept the Israeli missiles in Syria’s central region and the vicinity of Damascus."

Hezbollah Deploying Shahed 101 UAVs: Silent, 500 Mile Range, Difficult to Intercept

The electric Shahed 101 is the UAV that last Thursday killed Major Valery Chapunov, an officer of Battalion 9308 in the Alon Brigade.

Explosion Near Natanz, Iran’s Main Suicide Drone Plant

Iran has for years supplied its Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, with explosive suicide drones.

New Iranian President Reaffirms Intent to Annihilate Israel

Iran will continue its "all-out support for the defenseless Palestinian people until they achieve their ideals and rights."

Netherlands to Join Effort to Convince EU to Declare IRGC a Terror Organization

Thus far, four foreign ministers from European countries have promised Katz their support for the designation of the IRGC as a terrorist organization.

Israel Assassinates Hezbollah’s Top Arms Importer

Qarnabash was in charge of transferring weapons from Iran via Syria to the terrorist organization in Lebanon.

Report: Iran Expanding Ballistic Missile Production

Iran currently possesses an estimated arsenal of at least 3,000 ballistic missiles, including models designed to carry conventional and nuclear warheads.

NYT: Biden Must Have Some Bibi to Keep Lucid

Biden warned Netanyahu not to retaliate against Iran or he would be on his own.

Iran’s Influence Encroaches on Jordan Amid Hamas Provocations

Senior Hamas official Zaher Jabrin called on Jordanians to rise against Israel on Saturday night, placing King Abdullah in a precarious position.

US Sanctions Three UAE Companies that Transport Iranian Oil

“Iran must cease its escalations with regard to its nuclear program as well as its other destabilizing actions,” said U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Israel’s Secretive Missile Propulsion Test—Part of Arms Race with Iran

While Israeli defense officials have not specified the nature of the propulsion system tested on June 24, the launch serves as a clear message to both allies and adversaries of Israel’s advanced capabilities.

Report: Israel Kills 3 in Attacks on Damascus Suburbs and Southern Syria

Several Syrian civilians were injured as a result of shrapnel from Syrian air defense missiles that fell on their heads.

US Sanctions Nearly 50 Parts of ‘Covert’ Iranian Banking System Worth Billions of Dollars

“The United States is taking action against a vast shadow banking system used by Iran’s military to launder billions of dollars of oil proceeds and other illicit revenue,” stated Wally Adeyemo, deputy secretary of the Treasury.

Israeli Expert: Iran is Cyber Attacking Its Own Allies

"We have identified that Iran is attacking its allies and other countries for information extortion and damaging digital services."

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Warns Israeli Attack on Lebanon Would Pull US into...

Brown said Iran “would be more inclined to support Hezbollah … particularly if they felt that Hezbollah was being significantly threatened.”

Israel Hails Canada’s Decision to List IRGC as Terrorist Entity

"Iran, and its terror infrastructure, must be held accountable for the crimes and atrocities they have committed and the terrorism they are spreading."

Canada Designates Iran’s IRGC as Terrorist Organization

Canadian financial institutions, such as banks and brokerages, are required to immediately freeze the property of a listed terrorist entity.

Israel Warns of All-Out War in Response to Hezbollah Propaganda Film with Drone Footage...

"We know what Hezbollah are about. We know what their capabilities are, and we know precisely how to deal with them."

DM: Iran Trying to Introduce Weapons into Jenin

In response to Iran's efforts, Israel is "beefing up the standby units with advanced weapons and drones, and establishing intervention teams."

Iranian Ship Ignores Distress Call from Nearby Ship Struck by Houthis

"This continued malign and reckless behavior by the Iranian-backed Houthis threatens regional stability and endangers the lives of mariners across the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden," said U.S. Central Command.

Iran Rejects G7 Warning as ‘Political’ and Vows to Continue ‘Peaceful” Nuclear Program

Iran also rejected a G7 statement that the world body would enforce 'new measures' if Tehran transfers ballistic missiles to Russia.

Group of Seven Warns Iran Against Expansion of Nuclear Program

The G7 also threatened to enforce new measures if Iran transfers ballistic missiles to Russia.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/science-and-tech/iai-introduces-wind-demon-air-to-surface-cruise-missile/2024/07/23/

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