Too often people tend to forget that the Israeli Left suffers from a harmful syndrome in addition to its obvious chronic ailment. That ailment, of course, is a pathological guilt trip resulting in a delusional outlook combined with strong anti-Jewish and anti-Israel national sentiments. 

The second symptomatic trait that characterizes the Israeli Left, and which is even more dangerous than the primary one, is its uninhibited hypocrisy in concealing any facts that pose a threat to its feeble ideology. This trait is fully revealed under proper observation and scrutiny when the Left utilizes Machiavellian Orwellian logic, or fabrication, or, simply put, a bunch of baloney.

This is typical of liberal elitists and pseudo-idealists with their upside-down, topsy-turvy moral system so akin to the old Bolshevik ideology that viewed democracy as being counter-revolutionary and equated tyranny with equality. Black was white and white was black under the system of mental acrobatics that kept the Party in power and the misinformed masses in the dark.


This was the tradition that invented Orwellian logic, which can be summed up by this maxim: “Today two plus two equals five because now it’s good for the Party, although yesterday I said it equals four because our book sold better that way.”

The modern-day Left has developed and articulated this technique as a branch of the  communication sciences. It should, therefore, come as no surprise that Noam Chomsky, one of our era’s most notorious anti-Jewish, anti-American, anti-Western radicals (as well as a self-proclaimed anarchist), is a professor of Linguistics. With proper words and pretentious “critical thinking,” one can ‘prove’ anything – even that black is white – particularly in the absence of a basic moral system that makes clear distinctions.

Just think a bit, says Chomsky, and there’s no difference between the victimizer and the victim. Think a bit more critically, and the victim is actually the victimizer. Think more creatively, and everybody is equally a victim of the Western way of life.

Another good modern example of this malicious system is Shimon Peres, who defended the obvious flaws in his lunatic political dream by declaring, “I don’t care about history” – thus pretending to be a visionary, despite the fact that in his treatise The New Middle East he cited numerous historical facts and trends whenever they suited his purpose.

The same can be said abou the extreme lefty Post-Zionist (really anti-Zionist) “new historians” whose lies and distortions have been exposed by Prof. Ephraim Karsh (Fabricating Israeli History: The New Historians) and others. Karsh said about Benny Morris, a member of that pathetic club, that he “would be in jail if he applied his academic standards to his tax returns.”

(By the way, Karsh was pro-“land for peace,” at least when I met him a few years ago just prior to the current intifada. At that time he could be tagged as a lefty – though one whose academic and personal integrity, honesty and professionalism motivated him to uncover the truth.)

Take note: Where did the most radical Israeli lefties, who claim that Israel exploited the Arabs and took their land unlawfully, come from if not Mapam kibbutzim, many of which not only were built on land that at one time belonged to Arabs but also have employed Arabs as hourly waged laborers with no social privileges? Have any of these kibbutzim relinquished their lands to the “exploited Arabs”? Aren’t these kibbutzim then just as ‘evil’ as the Yesha settlers the Left condemns in the most vitriolic of terms? If that’s not hypocrisy, I don’t know what hypocrisy is.


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