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Shouldn’t news be objective?  It’s much too easy to slant news turning what’s supposed to be a simple factual article into an insidious biased piece of fiction.  When I was growing up, the only newspaper we ever saw at home was the New York Times, and as I’ve reminisced before, for me the “Sunday funnies” were the political cartoons in its “News of the Week in Review.”  And in elementary school when we learned about newspapers, we only used the NYT.  So it’s rather ironic that as an Israeli I’ve discovered that that’s the newspaper once should be most suspicious of.  Journalists and bloggers from all over are kept busy writing expose`s about the inaccuracies and intentional slanting of their “news” articles and biased op-eds.

Among the many Israeli sources of irritation for The New York Times, none is more persistently aggravating than Jewish settlements. August has been an especially difficult month for the Times. In rapid succession, its Jerusalem reporter Jodi Rudoren, Pulitzer-prize winning columnist Thomas Friedman, and editorial board contributed factual errors about settlements that not only  revealed  falsehoods but blatant bias. Algemeiner

So I have my own way of finding the news.  I’m a long time fan (and friend) of Ruthie Blum, who’s very upfront about the fact that she writes op-eds from the Right point of view.  Here’s her latest:

The Palestinians’ two-faced solution

Last week, while the first batch of Palestinian terrorists was being released from Israeli jails, the Palestinian Authority was too busy condemning Israel to express satisfaction. This is because the Israeli government had approved the construction of hundreds of new houses in east Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.

The plans to build these new units were made public well before the start of the current pre-negotiation discussions, brokered by the United States. Furthermore, the additional housing is slated for areas that the Palestinian Authority ostensibly agreed would remain in Israel after a “two-state solution” was reached.

>Nevertheless, the Palestinian Authority and its apologists, both in Israel and abroad, did what they always do when faced with “settlement expansion” — they raised a stink, accusing Israel of provocation, at best, and violation of international law, at worst…  Israel Hayom


It’s also a good idea to subscribe to the IDF’s youtube page.

Seeing is believing.  I must admit that sometimes it works too hard to be PC-politically almost Leftist correct, but they do show some valuable videos.

The Jewish Press’s site also gives real news and isn’t afraid to tell the truth.  This isn’t the same Jewish Press I first read when visiting my then future in-laws forty-five years ago.

There’s also Arutz 7 which was a pioneer site telling the truth.

The current drama of the Middle East is that every Arab state seems to be under attack by one bunch of Islamists or another …and the countries are crumbling. Years ago, I encouraged his creator to blog them.

And now there’s a new guy on the block, i24, hat tip Tablet Magazine.  I don’t know how accurate and objective they will end up being, but we’ll see.

As a blogger, my aim is more editorial than hard news. That’s my choice, and I don’t hide it.

Where do you find your most objective news? Please answer in the comments, thanks.

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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.