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That’s what the Obama doctrine means, in plain English.

Moshe Phillips Benyamin Korn
Members of the Board

Religious Zionists of America


Disrespectful Of Reb Shlomo?

We were deeply shocked to read the In Memoriam article by Rabbi Chaim Dalfin in the October 31 issue of The Jewish Press. How could anyone write about Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach – particularly in commemoration of his 20th yahrzeit – in such a derogatory manner?

Reb Shlomo was the one who taught Klal Yisrael how to sing again, how to hope again and not despair after the devastation of the Holocaust. He tried to prevent a spiritual holocaust of American Jewry with his inreach/outreach programs aimed at college campuses and unaffiliated Jews. He loved his fellow Jews (as well as all humanity) with a love that was beyond human. To write in a way that degrades and shames his memory is not acceptable.

Reb Shlomo was an anav, modest and humble, and always answered his verbal attackers in a kind and unassuming way. When one writes about Reb Shlomo, especially close to his yahrzeit (16 Cheshvan), his kindness, brilliance, wisdom, modesty, Torah scholarship, and love of music and his fellow humans should be stressed.

If this is an indication of what Rabbi Dalfin’s new book The Real Shlomo says, we are concerned about what else is in it.

We consulted with Dr. Natan Ophir, the author of a very accurate and well-researched biography of Reb Shlomo, Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach: Life, Mission and Legacy, and he relates that according to people who were with Reb Shlomo on his last day, the alleged story did not happen.

May the merit of Reb Shlomo, Ne’im Zemirot Yisrael, hasten the coming of Mashiach and the rebuilding of the Beis HaMikdash, when Reb Shlomo will again write and sing songs of praise to Hashem.

Rabbi Refoel and Sharon Auman
Hillcrest, NY


Rabbi Dalfin responds: L’kavod Rabbi Refoel and Sharon Auman, before you make accusations I ask you to first read the entire book. Dr. Ophir endorsed it. Also, Dr. Ophir acknowledged that even people close to the story said it happened, though not on that day. But according to my research it was on his final day of life. Finally, the story pointed to teshuvah. If you believe he didn’t need to do teshuvah, I have nothing to say


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