Hamas Terrorists Kill Gazans at UNRWA School with Failed Rocket Attack Aimed at Israel

Over the past 24 hours, the IAF struck more than 60 terror targets throughout Gaza, including military structures and terrorist infrastructure.

Israeli MKs Approve Bills Designating UNRWA as Terror Organization in First Reading

"What is happening today is a badge of honor for the Knesset . . . We did a wonderful job together with all the partners to these bills."

Hague Court Invites 70 Countries and Groups to Object to Netanyahu, Gallant Arrest Warrants

The immediate meaning of the decision is a delay of at least two and a half months in the possibility of issuing international arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant.

Netanyahu Submits Declaration Rejecting Hague Court’s Ruling on ‘Occupation’

The resolution was composed without input from Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara.

Guterres ‘Deeply Concerned’ over Israeli Strike on Hudaydah, Urges ‘Utmost Restraint’

He called on all UN Member States defending their vessels from attacks to do so "in accordance with international law."

UK to Resume UNRWA Funding, Six Months After ‘Pause’ Over UN Body’s Terror Ties

“The Conservative government suspended funding to UNRWA. Today, the Labour government is restoring it,” Lammy wrote on social media.

Pro-Israel Protesters Interrupt UN Security Council Meeting, Call for Freeing Hostages

Protests inside the Security Council chamber are rare, and the Russian foreign minister, who chaired the meeting, appeared not to understand the protesters.

Israel Strikes Terrorists Hiding in UN School

Hamas used the Abu Oraiban School as a hideout and as a point to direct and launch attacks on Israeli soldiers.

Fl. Republican’s Bill to ‘Claw Back American Tax Dollars from UNRWA’ Passes Committee

On May 7, Mast and Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) introduced a bipartisan bill to direct the Secretary of State to recover any federal funds that have been disbursed to UNRWA.

UNRWA Head Claims Key Allegation of Hamas Collaboration Lawsuit is False

Philippe Lazzarini defends his agency’s scattered and disputed humanitarian aid record keeping.

UN Finally Admits it Paid for Albanese’s Anti-Israel Lobbying Trip

The controversial U.N. rapporteur’s visit to Australia and New Zealand included raising funds for a "Palestinian" lobby group and lobbying sovereign wealth fund to divest from Israel.

Israel Presses Terrorists Holed Up in UN Facility, Hamas Internal Security Commander Killed in...

Soldiers also eliminated dozens of other terrorists and destroyed combat compounds and booby-trapped buildings.

A Month After Announcing $90 Million in ‘Palestinian’ Aid, USAID will Send $100 Million...

The United Nations, USAID’s partner in aid delivery, admitted that its claims of famine in Gaza are not data-based.

Knesset Committee Unanimously Approves Bill Declaring UNRWA a Terror Organization

"UNRWA's crimes on October 7th and the agency's cooperation with terrorist organizations are unforgivable."

IDF Attacks Renewed Terrorist Command Center in Gaza City’s UNRWA Headquarters

Israeli forces operating in Shejai'ya destroyed a combat compound and a Hamas command and control center in schools and a clinic converted from civilian use to terrorist purposes.

Tunnel Shaft Found in Khan Yunis City Hall Was Hamas Gathering Point

Israeli aircraft struck several terrorists operating a command center in a United Nations Relief and Works Agency School in the Nuseirat refugee camp.

UN Investigative Unit Probing Allegations Against Anti-Israel UN Official

The investigative unit of the United Nations opened a case probing whether pro-Hamas lobbying groups funded Francesca Albanese’s trips in 2023 to Australia and New Zealand.

Cabinet Confirms Danny Danon’s Re-Appointment as UN Ambassador

"In the face of the resurgence of diplomatic terrorism, I am committed to presenting the truth with confidence for the sake of the people of Israel and our shared future."

Israel Raids UNRWA School, Medical Clinic Where Hamas Terrorists Holed Up

Inside the UN school, soldiers seized weapons, grenades and intelligence documents.

Israel Strikes UNRWA Facility Taken Over by Hamas

Weapons and tunnel shafts have been found in numerous UNRWA facilities.

Senior Lebanese UNRWA Official Doubles as Key Hamas Figure

Despite his exposure as a key Hamas figure and the findings of the Colonna Report investigation that was launched on February 5, the UN agency has yet to fire him.

Biden’s Floating Gaza Pier to be Dismantled, Gazans Not Starving

At the end, the entire project was simply an expensive disaster, and not solely due to the difficulties encountered by the floating pier.

Israel Rejects UN’s Explanation for Leaving Hamas’s Use of Human Shields Out of Report

Virginia Gamba, special representative to the U.N. secretary-general, told JNS that word count limits left no space to mention that the terror organization embeds deliberately among civilians.

UN: ‘No Supporting Evidence’ of Famine in Northern Gaza

"...if famine were to occur in Gaza, it is unlikely to be due to any limitations posed by Israel on the food supply entering the Gaza Strip,” the 31-page study concluded.

UN Decision to ‘Blacklist’ IDF Heavily Influenced by Anti-Israel NGOs

The UN Secretary General is expected to announce inclusion of the IDF on the UN's list of child rights abusers, alongside terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and Boko Haram.

UN Reconstruction Coordinator Announces She is Moving to Gaza

As the Netherlands’ minister for foreign affairs, her ministry had paid part of the salaries of two terrorists involved in the murder of an Israeli teen.

Iran Rejects G7 Warning as ‘Political’ and Vows to Continue ‘Peaceful” Nuclear Program

Iran also rejected a G7 statement that the world body would enforce 'new measures' if Tehran transfers ballistic missiles to Russia.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/global/un/hamas-terrorists-kill-gazans-at-unrwa-school-with-failed-rocket-attack-aimed-at-israel/2024/07/25/

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