Religious Zionism MK’s Bill Countermands Sanctions on Settlers Via the Bank of Israel

There’s a fundamental problem with MK Sukkot’s bill: it oversteps the Bank of Israel Law.

Plans for Massive New Greater Tel Aviv Rail Lines Moving Forward

The metro network will include three lines, 150 km of underground tracks and 109 stations.

Israeli Lawmakers Say ‘Time to Use Proxies Against Iran’

“It is time to invest resources in psychological warfare programs that will destabilize the regime."

Ben Gvir Alienates Allies by Allowing Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount

"I remember the days when they shouted at me 'Allah Akbar' and I shouted back at them 'Shema Israel' and was arrested."

Israeli MKs Approve Bills Designating UNRWA as Terror Organization in First Reading

"What is happening today is a badge of honor for the Knesset . . . We did a wonderful job together with all the partners to these bills."

Knesset Approves in 1st Reading Law Banning Foreign Missions in ‘Palestinian’ Jerusalem

Should the international community recognize a State of Palestine there would be a rush to plant dozens of foreign consulates that would operate outside Israeli jurisdiction.

Knesset Approves Resolution Opposing Palestinian State

“The Israeli Knesset opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state on any piece of land west of the Jordan River. "

Israeli Gov’t Allocates $275,000 for Defense of Oct. 7 Nukhba Terrorists

The Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee on Tuesday discussed a legislative amendment that would halt the funding.

Peace Now: Israel on the Way to Complete Annexation of Judea and Samaria

They describe violent Arab harassment of Evyatar’s Jews as “a significant security burden on the security forces.”

Knesset Committee Chairman: Israeli Arab Violence Record Breaking

The debate underscored the complex challenges facing Israel in addressing crime within its Arab communities, which make up about 20% of the country's population.

Knesset Prepares to Reject Court Decision to Fund Legal Defense for Hamas Nukhba Terrorists

"The State of Israel will not fund defense for those who massacred us on the seventh of October. We will not help it in any way."

Leader of Lithuanian Haredim: Do Not Report to Draft Centers

"Do not show up at all at the draft offices, and do not respond to any draft summons, not even the initial summons."

Committee MKs Drill IDF’s HR Chief on Proposed Haredi Draft

Yesh Atid, MK Karine Elharrar-Hartstein asked if separating yeshiva graduates from female soldiers was necessary.

Knesset Committee Unanimously Approves Bill Declaring UNRWA a Terror Organization

"UNRWA's crimes on October 7th and the agency's cooperation with terrorist organizations are unforgivable."

Grandmother of Israeli MK Beaten Up in Paris Suburb by Arabs

MK Sharren Haskel accused the French government of failing to protect the country's Jewish community from violence.

Survey: Likud Members Punish Gallant, Barkat, Edelstein and Regev

When asked who is their choice for PM, Likud members voted – surprise, surprise – 68% for Netanyahu.

Shin Bet’s Dogs Attack MK Rothman’s Bill to Prevent Jailing Jews without Trial

Ben Caspit and the rest of Israel’s supposed guard dogs of democracy have proven once again that whatever it is they are guarding, it definitely isn't democracy.

Israeli Lawmakers Launch Gaza Resettlement Caucus

"Only when Jewish children are playing in the Strip will the Nukhba terrorists realize that they have lost," said MK Zvi Sukkot.

Gantz: Israel Should Withdraw from Gaza for Hostage Deal

"If there is a change in the fighting and our hostages are returned, and we do what needs to be done in the Gaza Strip in a year, or in two years, that's not an issue."

Likud MK Danny Danon Reappointed as Israel’s UN Ambassador

Danon: “At a time when the State of Israel is fighting on a large number of fronts, each of us must do the best within our skills and experience."

High Court Orders State to Explain Why the ‘Al Jazeera Law’ is Legal

The Court ordered the State of Israel to respond to a petition calling for repeal of the law.

Recommended: All the October 7 Generals Must Resign Now to Save the IDF

The last time he tried to sack Gallant, who broke protocol and a clear order from the PM, Netanyahu was faced with “Gallant’s night.”

Disunity: Gantz’s Party Submits Bill to Dissolve Knesset

National Unity Party leader Benny Gantz seeks to topple Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government.

‘UNRWA Law’ to Designate Agency as Terror Organization, Passes First Knesset Reading

Hundreds of employees of the organization working in Gaza were exposed as members of the Hamas terrorist organization since the start of the October 7 war.

Knesset Extends Israel’s State of Emergency Through 2024

The recommendation -- and its approval -- makes clear the seriousness of the continuing multi-front war being fought by the Israel Defense Forces.

Nikki Haley: What Happened on Oct. 7 was ‘Pure Evil’

"Don't listen to the media bites you hear. America is with you. October 7th hurt us all."

Nikki Haley Arrives in Israel on Solidarity Visit

The former ambassador is scheduled to meet with former hostages who returned from captivity in Gaza following their release in November 2023.

Ra’am Party Head: Hamas ‘Part of the Palestinian People’

"What, are they a Lebanese faction? What's wrong with you?" Mansour Abbas said.

Israel Cancels Disengagement Law for Northern Samaria

"The State of Israel today corrected in a state and official manner the injustice and folly of the expulsion from northern Samaria."

Likud MK: DM Gallant Is Lying About Hamas’s ‘Inevitable’ Collapse

"All the Hamas battalions without exception, and even all the Islamic Jihad battalions are active."


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