Photo Credit: Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis
Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis

Prime Minister Netanyahu, despite all the abuse and slurs that were flung his way, came to Washington last week to tell his story, to appeal to the hearts, minds, and souls of the American people – the most charitable, freedom-loving, and benevolent people of our time.

Even as Queen Esther of old approached the king and pleaded for the life her people, so too did Netanyahu plead for his people, asking that Iran be stopped before it gets its hands on nuclear weapons that can be launched against Israel.


Netanyahu was received with great respect and admiration by most members of Congress, but there were others – among them, I’m ashamed to say, many Jews – who lambasted him for daring to speak up.

I learned a long time ago that Jews never win. Those who hate us will condemn us for speaking out, and if we remain silent they will judge us for remaining passive.

As if this were not enough, upon his return to Jerusalem the prime minister had other detractors to deal with. Elections in Israel are imminent and the shrill sounds of politicking are heard everywhere in the country. Many of his opponents were quick to pounce on him, not caring how that attack would be read by the world at large. Thus we see the onslaught from within and from without.

Queen Esther’s call, “Go gather all the Jews,” rings louder then ever before. But in contrast to the days of Mordechai and Esther, we are back to the same old infighting that led to the destruction of the Holy Temple.

I understand election campaigns are rough and tumble affairs, but for Jews to mount ugly and ferocious public attacks on one another is as dangerous as it is foolish. It can only spell disaster.

If only we would learn and really take to heart those beautiful and immortal words of the Psalmist: “Hineh mah tov – how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in harmony.”


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