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And finally to my fellow shadchanim…

Responding to every e-mail, text or phone call coming our way can be exhausting and bothersome. However, doing so in a timely manner allows the person at the other end to keep his or her dignity. Even simple words such as, “So nice to hear from you… have you in mind and hope that your bashert arrives very soon!” go a long way in alleviating a single’s anxiety and makes him or her feel cared about. Any shadchan who feels the loss of a caring attitude might be overwhelmed or suffering from burnout and should seriously consider taking a temporary “shadchan break.”


A very special young man recently brought the following quote to my attention: “Bitachon begins when logic ends.” As difficult or impossible as it may seem to find one’s bashert, the key is to keep your bitachon strong.

May Hashem hear the tefillos of all singles looking for their zivugim… because ultimately Hashem is the real Shadchan and we down here on earth are simply His messengers.

A Shadchan who still cares…

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