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Re: Siblings: An Unbreakable Bond
(Chronicles, March 21)

Dear Rachel,


A few weeks ago you featured an excerpt of an article written by Dr. Charles Krauthammer some time ago, in tribute to his older brother who had tragically passed away. The poignant piece spoke about their closeness and special bond since their childhood years.

As I was reading, I couldn’t help but think that this type of relationship between siblings ought to be the rule rather than the exception. So what makes this particular one come across as so unique?

Just thinking out loud

Dear Just,

Basically, most of us who may indeed have special relationships with our sibs simply lack Dr. Krauthammer’s intellectual wit and writing genius. We may be “feeling it” but could never convey our emotions via the written word in such extraordinary style.

Furthermore, times have changed drastically. Can you picture two brothers (or sisters) on a summer getaway today being totally immersed in the moment, in one another, in the exhilarating environment of sun and blue skies and in the freedom from stress of work, school or what have you?

I can’t. Unless they’ve left their laptops, iPhones and iPads behind. And the chances of that are…? Unfortunately, no matter how loving sisters, brothers or couples are to one another, they are more apt to be drawn in by the lure of their electronic devices than by the magic of a golden sunset enjoyed in the company of their loved ones on an intoxicating summer vacation day.

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