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That Shabbos I gained a new level of respect for and connection with the Sderot community. I had a little taste of life under rocket fire.

The OU participants visiting an army base near Gaza distributing food, letters, and words of encouragement

I felt that connection and respect everywhere I went.


The administrator of Soroka Hospital, located in Beer Sheva, told me that there was a constant flow of people from all backgrounds coming to visit wounded soldiers they didn’t even know. She was overwhelmed with emotion at the presents and words of encouragement. The achdus she saw during that challenging time was amazing.

I witnessed the true strength of Am Yisrael during those few days.

There were groups of people flocking to the Kosel all hours of the night to daven for the safety of our soldiers fighting in Gaza. People were pouring out their hearts for those they had never met, but felt as close to as family.

While this summer was a very difficult one for Klal Yisrael, hopefully we will continue to strengthen ourselves and unite as “Am echad b’lev echad – One nation with one heart.” As we enter the Yomim Noraim, let us grasp this intense feeling of achdus and nurture it during the good times as well.

May Hashem grant Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael the bracha of shalom and may we see the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days.


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