Photo Credit: Gili Yaari / FLASH 90
Yariv Oppenheimer (on left-appropriately)

Yariv Oppenheimer, who has the misguided notion that Peace Now is an option, is criticizing a hero…a 19 year old soldier who had the intelligence and quick reflexes to stop THREE terrorists who were about to attack and, in their twisted minds, achieve glory through cold-blooded murder.

That the ones the terrorists would have murdered are Israelis and Jews means nothing to this man who has dedicated his life to the delusional concept that we can make peace alone.


Oppenheimer is upset that the country is proud and grateful to Corporal T…how dare we praise this young man for acting swiftly to prevent tragedy and think of the poor dead Palestinians who failed to adequately murder anyone before being sent to hell.

Oppenheimer demands that the soldier be put on leave. I have a better suggestion – for the good of the country, for the good of the army and even for the good of Yariv Oppenheimer…please, you leave Israel. This is land you do not love because if you loved Israel, you would understand that you cannot make peace with a man holding a knife at your throat.

First he must put the knife down. First he must want peace, crave it as we do. Then, all avenues are open; all possibilities can be explored. But when he is poised to put a knife in the back of your friend, your grandmother, your child – you shoot…and you shoot to kill.

This is what Corporal T did – three times. It is not something any country should ask of a 19 year old but having asked it, having received his bravery, your response shows you’ve lost whatever Israel was in you. You choose death over life; glorify killers over a brave young man.

Leave Israel, Yariv – for your own good. Find another place to live where you think they match the ideals you believe in.

…perhaps Yemen? Morocco? Syria?


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Paula R. Stern is CEO of WritePoint Ltd., a leading technical writing company in Israel. Her personal blog, A Soldier's Mother, has been running since 2007. She lives in Maale Adumim with her husband and children, a dog, too many birds, and a desire to write.