Photo Credit:
Henry Ludwig Mond, 2nd Baron Melchett, with his father and two sons.

They prefer to bask in the light of following certain national political leaders even when they do not act as they should toward these issues.

The other rationale for failing to rally publicly to the support of Israel and increasingly imperiled Jewish communities, again to speak bluntly, is that their problems were their own fault. Israel just hadn’t taken enough risks and made enough sacrifices and concessions for peace. The arrogant and ignorant who have not taken the time to inform themselves—it is tempting but too wordy to name  names so I will resist it—are a disgrace.


I have always maintained, tongue in cheek, that no Jew need starve because they can make a good living as a critic of Israel—again, I fight back the temptation to give names but invite you to do so. This in itself falls into two broad categories.

The first is the belief in the creation of a utopia in which Jews should instead sacrifice themselves on the altar.

Here the statement of the wealthy spoiled brat Rosa Luxemburg on this matter:

“What do you want with these special Jewish pains? I feel as close to the wretched victims of the rubber plantations in Putamayo and the blacks of Africa with whose bodies the Europeans play ball… I have no special corner in my heart for the ghetto: I am at home in the entire world, where there are clouds and birds and human tears.”

Cool, except the Germans took Luxemburg’s leftism out on her and on the Jews. Then the Communists showed how much they cared for the “wretched of the earth.”  When the equivalents of such people today think of people under threat they think of the heartbreak of Islamophobia.

The tiresome pose of the Jewish citizen of the world who trumpets his or her own nobility endlessly continues to be absurd. Israel is a reality and as such is not noble enough for them in its warts. They must have an abstract cause; they must show themselves selfless to the echoes of their own self-praise, and much to their profit.

The other aspect should be uncomfortably reminiscent of the rich Western Jews who looked down on the inferiority of the ‘’Yidden” of Eastern Europe with their embarrassing religiosity and vitality, their obsolete customs which were giving the good, modern people a bad name.

The alleged morally superior can criticize and so show their neighbors that they are perfect, untouched by doing anything that might require getting their hands dirty, wrapped up in the costume of altruism. It is a disgrace that a Jew can bash Israel, side with the enemies of its people, and smugly pretend virtue and profit by social status and professional benefits from such “neutrality.”

Melchett concludes with a story about his father when they visited Babylon in the 1920s. In referring to the battle that was still being engaged in, the senior Mond said:

“You see, had it not been the case centuries ago, that some small proportion of our people were prepared to return to [the land of Israel], to be the Zionists of that day, we should all have perished in the civilizations that perished with Babylon. It is only because of those few who returned at that time, that you and I are able to stand here and look upon these ruins. And where are those that took us into captivity in Babylon?”


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Professor Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. See the GLORIA/MERIA site at