Shabbos Kestenbaum On His RNC Speech: The Orthodox Jew Suing Harvard Responds to Critiques...

Let’s elect a president who recognizes that although Harvard and the Ivy Leagues have long abandoned the United States of America, the Jewish people never will, because Jewish values are American values and American values are Jewish values, he said in his speech.

Palestinian vs. Saudi Education

But it is of no concern to Foggy Bottom

Can Israel Afford to Defy State Dept Pressure?

Can Israel Afford NOT to Defy State Dept Pressure?

5 Alternatives for the Future of Gaza

It is essential to conduct a far-reaching discussion on all these alternatives and to avoid attachment to any one of them

Does Israel Need a Large Army If It Has Advanced Technology?

What are the lessons for IDF force build-up following the Hamas attack on October 7 and the Iron Swords War?

Hezbollah’s Vast Subterranean Network in Lebanon is in a Different League from Gaza

With the help of Iran and North Korea, the terrorist organization has been working for 18 years on attack, strategic and booby-trapped tunnels.

Fatah: Hamas Kills Aid workers and Steals Food for Itself

Fatah TV anchor: Hamas attacked and killed aid workers; it has persecuted them since the start of the war

Passover Guide for the Perplexed 2024

11. Jerusalem is mentioned three times in the annual story of Passover (Haggadah), which is concluded by the vow: "Next Year in the reconstructed Jerusalem!"

Six Months into the War, Gaza Could Become Secondary Arena

Former IDF Military Intelligence chief Amos Yadlin: The problem is not Gaza. The problem is Iran.

Terror-Supporting Qatar is No Friend of the West

By hosting Hamas’s leaders, allowing Al Jazeera to spread anti-Israel propaganda and funding U.S. universities in exchange for influence, Qatar has demonstrated clearly it is on the side of evil.

What’s Behind Hezbollah’s High Stakes Diplomacy With the UAE?

The delegation was led by Wafiq Safa, who is regarded as Hezbollah’s chief negotiator on issues of prisoner exchanges and hostages, and also included a brother-in-law of Hezbollah chief Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah.

Aaron Bushell: The New Palestinian Hero and Role Model

Bushell by committing suicide wants to “… create a turning point in the methods and tools of the solidarity movement with the Palestinian issue in the world.”

Armenia Getting Closer to Iran After US Sanctions Russia More Intensively

Where Iran and Armenia traded $350 million worth of goods in 2021, the expectation is that this figure will rise to $1 billion this year.

Ramadan ‘Explosion’ Looms for Israel and Hamas

Ramadan is two weeks away and the clock is ticking.

‘They Love Jews, Especially Dead Jews’

Those who helped were few and far between

Conventional Western Wisdom vs. Middle East Reality

Western appeasement of Shiite, Sunni and Palestinian terrorism has ignored the well-documented fact, that terrorists bite the hands that feed them,

US Obsession with Two-State Solution is ‘Delusional’

It's “shocking" that a U.S. administration would push for a Palestinian state under ordinary circumstances, let alone after Oct. 7, said former U.S. Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt.

Poll: 35% of Younger Americans Believe Hamas’ Claims

25% of those under 45 agreed that kidnapped Israelis were treated kindly.

US’ Mid East Policy Defied by Mid East Reality

US eagerness to conclude various agreements has brought the opposite of intended results

The Buffer Zone Taking Shape in Gaza

While the depth of a future buffer zone remains unclear, a kilometer appears to be one realistic option for defending the border communities—a kilometer into Gaza in which Israel will have a complete picture of what is occurring overground and underground.

UNRWA – Its Last Dying Gasps

The International Court of Justice in The Hague tried hard to oblige Israel to end the war and withdraw its forces from Gaza, but...

Israel can Limit the ICJ’s Potential Damage

Israel must immediately end its acceptance of the ICJ's jurisdiction with respect to the Genocide Convention.

US-Lebanon Diplomacy ‘A Fool’s Errand’ but Still ‘Has Value’

While U.S. diplomacy is not likely to lead anywhere, giving it a chance (and calling attention to the failure of U.N. Resolution 1701) could be critical for the legitimacy of an Israeli operation against Hezbollah, experts tell JNS

Israel Navigates Iran’s Multiple Fronts As Regional Tensions Rise

“Who told you that we do not attack in Iran, ” asked Netanyahu.

Israel and South African: Part I: Trade and Nuclear Technology

After South Africa filed a  lawsuit with the UN's International Court of Justice claiming Israel is violating the UN convention on genocide by "killing...


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