Further, what is one to make of Mr. Kerry’s comparison of the victims of the Boston bombings to those killed in the Mavi Marmara flotilla action by the IDF:

I know it’s an emotional issue with some people. I particularly say to the families of people who were lost in the incident: We understand these tragedies completely and we sympathize with them.

And nobody – I mean, I have just been through the week of Boston and I have deep feelings for what happens when you have violence and something happens and you lose people that are near and dear to you. It affects a community, it affects a country. We’re very sensitive to that.

Can he be serious? Israel’s conduct in pursuing its security interests in the Gaza embargo is to be equated with the terrorist actions of the two Chechnyan brothers who planted those bombs at the Boston Marathon? Has Mr. Kerry not seen the footage of the passengers on the Mavi Marmara who, according to plan, beat Israeli soldiers with metal sticks and chairs? And, recall, the flotilla was organized in order to break Israel’s Gaza embargo, which an international tribunal ruled was within Israel’s right to mount.


Mr. Kerry is fast reminding us why we so vigorously opposed his election to the presidency in 2004.


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