Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Moved By Freida Sima

You’ve done it again. I could hardly wait to read the latest monthly installment of the Freida Sima series (“The Courtship of Freida Sima,” front page essay, Dec. 18). I was moved beyond words when I read how Freida Sima finally met her match, Mordche, only because of the relentless insistence of her friend that she come to a party.


I vividly recalled how, back in 1950, I met my wife-to-be only because my summer-job laundry customer, Mrs. Buxbaum, insisted that I drive her to the Tabrisky’s beach home in Nantasket Beach, Mass. Perhaps Mrs. Tabrisky would become my customer, she explained. As we chatted in the doorway with Mrs. Tabrisky, out from an upstairs room appeared a young woman, Irene, whom I immediately knew was for me. I was 24 years old, about to enter MIT for my graduate studies.

When Mrs. Buxbaum sensed our mutual attraction, she asked Mrs. Tabrisky for a tour of the house, leaving Irene and me to talk together. As with Freida Sima and her Mordche, it was bashert. I weep openly now as I write this to you. It was a wonderful marriage. Irene died 20 years ago. I am now 89 and still miss her.

Of course, I look forward to the next installment in the Frieda Sima series. It’s wonderfully moving and so well written.

The Jewish Press has real heart and soul.

George Epstein
Los Angeles, CA


Hechsher Hunting

Re “Confessions of a Hechsher Hunter” (op-ed, Dec. 25):

How funny. My husband is the same way. Everywhere we go he trolls the aisles for kosher products. When we were first married 43 years ago there were very few kosher markets. The number of products was limited and choices were few.

On a trip to Cape Cod in 1973, we brought our own hot dogs and grill from home but forgot the buns. Imagine our delight when we found hot dog buns with the VH of Massachusetts hechsher in a supermarket.

In 1973 that was a huge discovery. We were so happy! Being away from New York, we felt it was a real find.

Carol Schechter


Letters Section An Invaluable Forum

Surveys indicate that the letters to the editor section is one of the most widely read and popular features in any newspaper.

We are fortunate to live in one of the few remaining free societies, with a wealth of information sources available. I am grateful that The Jewish Press affords letter-writers like me the opportunity to express our views on the issues of the day.

Thanks to you, ordinary citizens have the freedom to comment on the actions and legislation of elected officials. Public officials use taxpayer dollars to promote their views via mass mailings, news releases, letters to the editor, and op-ed columns. In many cases, they are produced or written by campaign or office staffers who are paid for by taxpayers. The rest of us have limited time to submit a letter. In the marketplace of ideas, let us hope there continues to be room for everyone.

I urge my fellow readers to appreciate the invaluable forum provided by a publication like The Jewish Press. Patronize the paper’s advertisers; let them know you saw their ads. We all need to do our part to ensure a healthy and thriving media environment.

Larry Penner
Great Neck, NY


Rav Schwab On Chillul Hashem

I always enjoy and learn from Dr. Yitzchak Levine’s “Glimpses Into American Jewish History” column. Last month’s article on Rav Schwab was no exception, and I look forward to reading Part Two in the Jan. 1 issue.


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