Photo Credit: Jewish Press

This November 26, the Rosh Chodesh Society – the women’s division of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement’s Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) – launches its newest course, SoulMates, a seven-session series for women.

Slated to run in over 200 locations around the world, SoulMates draws upon millennia of Jewish wisdom, from the mystical to the down to earth, allowing women of all ages and walks of life to explore the intricacies of love and marriage from a Jewish perspective. The course will delve into a diverse array of Jewish sources – biblical, Talmudic, halachic, kabbalistic and chassidic—seamlessly weaving together the philosophical, the spiritual, and the practical.


“Anyone who attends this course will leave every session not only inspired but with tangible, concrete tools to enhance their relationship,” says RCS Director Shaindy Jacobson. “Whether they are currently married, considering someday tying the knot, or simply seeking to better understand the spiritual root of love and marriage, SoulMates will forever change how they think about marriage, in all its beauty and complexity.”

The course will be taught once a month for seven consecutive months and is designed for women at all levels of Jewish knowledge.

“Today, the timeless teachings of our 3,000-year-old tradition on love and marriage are more relevant than ever,” says Mrs. Ahuva New, East Boca Raton, facilitator for the Society. “This course will challenge us to think deeply about ourselves and our relationships and give us practical tools to enhance them. It will allow us to see marriage in a whole new light and experience it with new meaning.”

The Rosh Chodesh Society is an international Jewish sisterhood that aims to connect, empower, and inspire Jewish women through monthly Jewish learning and cultural experiences. For more information, visit


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Shelley Benveniste is South Florida editor of The Jewish Press.