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Though there is no reference to any of this in the letter, you somehow picked up the notion that Mrs. A (whom she turned to for help) is a rebbetzin, and you go on to suggest that this rebbetzin could have consulted her husband the rav. As an aside, I’m just wondering how conducting a weekly shiur in one’s home renders one a rebbetzin.

While neither you nor I personally witnessed the goings on, rest assured that had it been a case of pikuach nefesh (saving a life), Hatzolah would have been summoned by the woman herself, the woman she turned to for help or even the nurse who was her enabler in desecrating the Shabbos — regardless of her claim about her anxiety-ridden next of kin. The fact that she had the wherewithal to browse the web for information at length is proof that there was no real emergency.


Glad your own condition cleared up. May we all enjoy optimum health and be spared the emergencies that warrant being mechalel Shabbos.


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