A small shoe
a rusted silver bell
a worn blanket
a sign of the glory it once had
The First Stage of Life



A deformed birdhouse, homemade
a torn jacket splattered with mud
a dime earned by the sweat of a young brow
a sign of the glory it once had
The Next Stage of Life


Workboots, overused and full of holes
a tearstained prayerbook
a gold locket, a smiling family within
a sign of the glory it once had
The Third Stage of Life


A parchment written with shaky hand
a will, on a
small fragile platform
a sign of the glory it didn’t have
The Last Stage of Life


Four Stages standing alone
layers of dust
broken beams
torn curtains
a sign of the glory they still have
The Stages of Life


The above article was originally posted on Maidelle.com, an online magazine for Jewish teen girls to speak their mind. Check out the site and read more articles and poetry submitted by girls worldwide and join the conversation!


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