“And blessed is God, we came out of this because of a miracle and I believe, maybe, it was a reward for how we work to save lives.”

That is the story of this driver, who went home to his family last night. It is very likely that this weekend, he will go to synagogue and say a special prayer thanking God for saving his life; if he is married, his wife will have already said her own thanks for the blessing of not being a widow today.


And you, dear Palestinian shooter, I would like to remind you of what the Hamas spokesperson said over the summer when confronted with the fact that thousands of rockets had been fired at Israel, nearly all of them falling in open fields. The Hamasnik said that they had fired true and well, but that “the God of Israel” kept pushing their rockets to open fields.

The truth is that yestersday, you fired true and well, gave it your very best shot. No one could expect more – you hit the front passenger door no less than three times. One bullet traveled THROUGH the ambulance, which thankfully did not have someone sitting in the front passenger seat, and the bullet whizzed right past the driver’s head to exit through the front window.

And another bullet traveled THROUGH the ambulance, which thankfully did not have any patient in the rear…and managed to hit mere inches behind the driver’s seat. You could not have come closer before reaching utter failure if you tried…

And, as the driver said, I will say to you. For all that you tried, the God of Israel was watching and protected this man who works to save lives, just as God is forever working to protect Israel.

Blessed is the God of Israel, Who forever watches over His people. He never sleeps; He never slumbers…

So, if your fellow terrorists are asking you, “how the heck did you fire FIVE or more bullets into an ambulance and MISS the driver?” tell them – it was, and always will be, by the hand of God. God’s will…God’s miracle.


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Paula R. Stern is the co-founder of Retraining4Israel (www.retraining4israel.com), a new organization working to help olim make aliyah successful. Paula made aliyah over 30 years ago with her husband and their three children. She lives in Maale Adumim and is often referred to as “A Soldier’s Mother”. She is now a happy wife, mother of five (including two sabras), and grandmother, happily sharing her voice and opinions with others. She is also a senior tech writer and lead training instructor at WritePoint Ltd. (www.writepoint.com). Please visit her new website: www.israelheartbeat.com