Photo Credit: Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90
Gazan women, barefoot in the kitchen.

There was a huge uproar among Gazan men on social media yesterday following reports that Israel is considering issuing work permits to Gazan women.

The average Gazan man is… How shall I put it? Not ready for changes in the patriarchal structure of the Gazan family.


Many Gazans see this as a threat to their place in the family. The mere thought of a woman going to work in Israel, bringing in the “big bucks” (in Gazan terms) while her husband sits at home unemployed, is causing a stir among men in the Gaza Strip. They wear the pants in the house!

Gazans also expressed their fear of Israel’s decision leading to a higher divorce rate in the Gaza Strip (some even claimed that this was Israel’s original intention all along, to humiliate the Gazans).

While some were fearful, others half-jokingly looked at the “positive” side of this decision: the parents of girls with work permits in Israel can ask for higher dowries for their marriage (:

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