Photo Credit: Israel police
Funeral for Druze policeman Zidan Saif, slain in a gun battle Tuesday with the murderers of Jews praying in a Jerusalem synagogue.

What he did is not that different than what Talhami did. Innocent Israelis get attacked? That’s terrible. But it’s their own fault. There was not a hint of embarrassment or shame on his face. For him it was all about blaming Israel for their own troubles.

This is a typical response by even moderate Arabs. The ‘not so moderates’ were actually dancing in the street and tweeting ‘bravo’ to the terrorist success in killing Jews! There are however some Muslims that are embarrassed by it. Toronto Sun columnist Tarek Fatah is one of them. He is not what I would call an ‘Uncle Tom’ who sold out to the ‘dark side’ of the ‘hated Jewish taskmasters’. He is a proud Muslim that supports the Palestinian cause. Here was his reaction to the massacre:


(I)f the savagery of the act was not enough of a shock, one response from a Muslim on Twitter was equally gruesome.

Responding to my tweet about the Jerusalem slaughter, he welcomed the mass murder by writing a single word, “Bravo”.

Elsewhere on social media, Palestinians in Gaza circulated cartoons using the image of the meat cleaver and knife used in the attacks, to mock the Jews.

As a Muslim who has spoken all my life for the rights of the Palestinians to a state of their own, I was left holding my head in despair and shame…

What have we become, I asked myself?

Indeed. It’s nice to see a bit of introspection on the part of an Muslim that actually supports the Palestinian cause. Instead of the ‘but’ that usually follows the pro forma condemnation of atrocities. He held his head in despair. If only there were more like him; heroes like Sergeant Saif;and less apologists likes Shibley Talhami… you never know what impact that might have on world order.


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Harry Maryles runs the blog "Emes Ve-Emunah" which focuses on current events and issues that effect the Jewish world in general and Orthodoxy in particular. It discuses Hashkafa and news events of the day - from a Centrist perspctive and a philosphy of Torah U'Mada. He can be reached at [email protected].