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The Obama administration even acknowledges all this about Iran. But their claim is that this deal was about one thing only: stopping them from producing a nuclear bomb. This deal was not about all these other issues. Well, it should have been!

This deal does not even do what the Obama administration says it does. It actually does the opposite. To use Prime Minister Netayahu’s expression, it paves the way for a nuclear arsenal in a very short 10 years. Yes, it may delay it, if they don’t cheat (something the international community acknowledges they do all the time with international agreements). But even if they keep every jot and tittle of the agreement – in 10 years it’s full speed ahead with the permission of the US and its allies.


I would go even further. Even if Nuclear weapons could be permanently eliminated from Iran, they remain the single biggest danger to the Middle East. There are other ways for Iran to achieve their goals besides nuclear weapons. They will have the most advanced weaponry available to advance their cause and the money to do it with.

How in heaven’s name anyone sees this as a good deal is a mind blower. But they do. Ha’aretz and the Forward who favor constantly feature articles of support for deal. In one recent story it was reported that 35 Israeli generals parted with their prime minister and support this deal.

One argument in favor of the deal is that it’s too late. The deal was cut and if we don’t support it, the sanctions will be removed anyway, Iran will improve its economy and have no need to stop or even delay its nuclear program. So we have no choice. This deal is now better than nothing. That’s some reason to support a bad deal: ‘We made a bad one but once it’s on the table we have no choice.’ ‘Without it, the sanctions regime will fall apart’ ‘Iran will have nothing stopping them from building a bomb right now!’

The claim that the ‘sanctions regime’ will fall apart if congress votes down the deal in a veto proof way – isn’t entirely accurate. It may be true that European sanctions will cease. But US sanctions will remain in place. I believe that the US is responsible for the lion’s share of those sanctions. But more importantly Iran will not get back its 150 billion dollars if we turn it down.

As I indicated – 150 billion dollars is not chump change. What is to prevent them from using it to pursue their nefarious religious goals? It’s their money?! So What?! There is no moral justification to give a terrorist nation access to their money. If nothing else, a US vote against that deal will deny them that instant windfall.

Once the US turns down the deal, the US sanctions will continue. This will hurt them. The US ought to tell them that they need to come back to the negotiating table so that a deal more acceptable to the American people can be negotiated. What about the possibility that they all just walk away and continue their nuclear program – endangering the entire world? Well, those sanctions brought them to the table the first time. It will bring them back.

If it doesn’t, we should once again restate our position that all options are on the table. Only this time we ought to say it like we mean it! It does not make you a war monger to make your enemies understand that leaving all options on the table is not an empty threat.


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Harry Maryles runs the blog "Emes Ve-Emunah" which focuses on current events and issues that effect the Jewish world in general and Orthodoxy in particular. It discuses Hashkafa and news events of the day - from a Centrist perspctive and a philosphy of Torah U'Mada. He can be reached at [email protected].