I think Avrech is right. Hollywood has lost any semblance of decency when it comes to sexual mores. Instead they promote amorality. For Hollywood, the sexual revolution of sixties with its slogan of  ‘If it feels good, do it’ guides them. Sexual mores are irrelevant and have no place in one’s moral compass.

Avrech’s article was not about devaluing gay people. It is about trying to stop Hollywood’s agenda to wipe the sexual mores of the bible off the map. Promoting them as value neutral.


As to how Avech’s approach affects gay Jews, I have said many times here in the past, hate the sin, love the sinner. One must acknowledge that gay men have Halachic challenges that most straight men do not. We should admire those among us that are gay and try to be Orthodox.  We should in fact encourage them.  But at the same time we cannot say that gay relationship is the same as a straight relationship. It is not.  It is a fact that unlike heterosexuals, gay men have no Halachic way of  satisfying sexual needs. Which is not something to celebrate.

And yet, that is exactly what Hollywood is selling these days. And they are succeeding in spades. I note that Hillary Clinton’s recent video announcing her candidacy for President has images promoting  gay marriage in glorious tones.

Here is how Avrech puts it  in his response to those letter writers:

The point of my article was not to devalue these families but rather to underscore the power of the media’s value system. Hollywood chooses, very carefully, which cultural trends it highlights and romanticizes, and which it treats with contempt.
Thus, leftists are almost always viewed as cool, attractive and virtuous, whereas Republicans are seen as narrow-minded bigots. Atheists are depicted as intellectual giants, but pious people of faith are seen as superstitious dolts. The point being that Hollywood products not only reflect, but impose a super-commentary that is stealth propaganda for leftist ideology.

He’s right. And he ought to know. As a successful Hollywood screenwriter, he sees it up close and personal.


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Harry Maryles runs the blog "Emes Ve-Emunah" which focuses on current events and issues that effect the Jewish world in general and Orthodoxy in particular. It discuses Hashkafa and news events of the day - from a Centrist perspctive and a philosphy of Torah U'Mada. He can be reached at [email protected].