Photo Credit: Uri Lenz/Flash90
Prof. Yosef Garfinkel with one of the two small containers, one of clay and one of stone that were unearthed at Khirbet Qeiyafa near Beit Shemesh and are believed to be the first-ever archaeological evidence of a Judean cult dating from the time of Kong David.

Our roundup today concludes with parental anxieties, which all of us with and without children share. It reminded me of the joke about a father and his son who go into a restaurant and order soup. The soup arrives boiling hot, but the steam was trapped below the grease.

The son drank a spoonful and his mouth was burnt so badly, he started to cry.


His father asked him why he was crying and the boy said, I remembered my dead mother.

The father then also poured a hefty spoonful into his mouth and he, too, started to cry.

His son asked, Why are you crying?

And the father said, I’m crying because she didn’t take you with her…


Sultan Knish is turning the Netanyahu-Mofaz pact into a thriller. I would read it if I were you. I think it’s good enough for Rolling Stone magazine, if Rolling Stone magazine had any sense.

Bibi the Survivor Before Sharon, two conservative Israeli Prime Ministers were forced out by American pressure over the peace process. One of those men was Netanyahu. Since Begin met Carter, there has never been a relationship as bad as the one between Netanyahu and Obama. If Clinton wanted Netanyahu gone, Obama wants him gone on a rail. And that makes Netanyahu’s position dangerously precarious because in any election or coalition deal, Washington D.C. is the shadow player. Daniel Greenfield, Sultan Knish

Those who remember Shaul Mofaz’s and Kadima’s role in the demolition of thousands of Jewish homes in Gush Katif, were aching for the moment when both would have imploded, come the promised September elections. The fact that the moment was clipped angers Paula R. Stern.

Bibi Challenging Israel’s Democracy By all polls I have seen lately, the Likud was in for a smashing victory in the election that will never be. Kadima was headed for self-implosion. Bibi has become their lifeline – betraying tens of thousands (likely more) of his “supporters.” Years ago, Sharon took my vote and betrayed it. Last year, after 10 years as a Likud member, I took my vote back. It will not be with my vote that Bibi extends his mandate; it was not my support he betrayed last night. Paula R. Stern, A Soldier’s Mother


Numerous Palestinian sites and institutions, including a few inaugurated by the Palestinian Authority, bear her name: a public square, a computer center, soccer tournament, and summer camp. Imagine someone in Dallas, Texas, setting to meet at Lee Harvey Oswald square, if LHO murdered 37 people.

Terrorist Dalal Mughrabi Again Presented as Role Model for Youth The Palestinian Authority practice of honoring Dalal Mughrabi and presenting her as a role model for youth continues. In 1978, a group of terrorists led by Dalal Mughrabi sailed from Lebanon to Israel to carry out a terror attack. They hijacked a bus and killed 37 Israeli civilians.

Palestinian Media Watch has reported that the PA regularly presents Mughrabi as a Palestinian hero and role model by naming sporting events, summer camps and even schools after her. Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, Palestinian Media Watch


The item below sounded interesting enough for a link. It also sounds like something women should be able to do on May 20th, while that other event is going on with guys only. Let me know if you went and how it came down.

iChange: Inside the Activists’ Studio’s Sarah From Over a decade of work in nonprofits, I saw how lack of sleep, email overload, unmindful leadership, and inadequate personal organization could hinder the work. As I began to experiment with different strategies and tools to manage my own workload, I became more interested in the bigger picture. That is, how does the way we work for social change reflect the values we are fighting for? And what’s the cost if we’re changing our communities and the world but running ourselves into the ground in the process?  The work I do now is to help social change leaders and organizations identify new ways of working that promote sustainability, productivity, and alignment with purpose and values. Pursue

Thanks to JewSchool for the link.


There was a guy in my shul in New York who used to respond, when someone would call him “Rabbi,” by saying, in Yiddish, “Du bist alein a gonnif” (You are a thief all by yourself – loosely translated). This to suggest that the term Rabbi may have lost some clout over the years.

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Tibbi Singer is a veteran contributor to publications such as Israel Shelanu and the US supplement of Yedioth, and Jewish Business News.