Photo Credit: Samaria Residents' Committee
"Settlers stand with France"

The Shomron regional council organized a very clever “solidarity with France” campaign, which was also a dig at France’s foreign policy.

A group of activists from the Samaria Residents’ Committee – an organization which campaigns for the rights of Jews in Samaria – handed out French flags labeled in French “Settlers stand with France” to motorists and pedestrians alike….

But underneath the message of solidarity emblazoned on the flag is another message of sorts: a label informing that they were produced “Product of Judea and Samaria.” (Arutz 7)

According to reports, the French media has been ignoring the various solidarity acts in Israel when they report on how the world is reacting to Friday night’s terror attacks.


And on Sunday I heard the television reporters acting very troubled and confused when they discussed how while Israel is still constantly reporting on the terror attacks, the French media has gone back to business as usual with the regular programming.

When will we in Israel recognize that our love is not returned. We have no reliable allies!!



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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.