Photo Credit: Smiling Soldiers Project
A local rabbi in Kiryat Arba, taking a break from his reserve duty to crack a smile

Editor’s Note: The images and stories emanating from the war in Gaza and the battles in the North are overwhelming, seemingly unrelenting. The Jewish Press Online is happy to share the “OTHER” moments, instances of warmth and joy in the lives of our noble IDF warriors, preserved and presented by the lens of photographer extraordinaire, Menachem Geisinsky. He is the founder and director of the Smiling Soldiers Project whose purpose is to share the true face and humanity of our IDF soldiers with the world while bringing joy and a smile to our heroes in uniform. Find comfort and hope in these inspiring images.


A local rabbi in Kiryat Arba, taking a break from his reserve duty to crack a smile


A soldier prays while on shift, near the holy city of Chevron
The son of an officer in reserves celebrates his Bar Mitzvah with the battalion. Here, the rabbi of the unit is assisting him in making the blessing over the Torah reading.



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Menachem Geisinsky is a photographer from New York, currently living in Israel. He is the founder and director of the Smiling Soldiers Project whose purpose is to share the true face and humanity of our noble IDF warriors with the world while bringing joy and a smile to our heroes in uniform.