Congresswoman Yvette Clarke-9th Congressional District
(Kensington, Brownsville, Crown Heights, Midwood,
Flatbush, Brownsville, Park Slope and East Flatbush)

For the 9th CD, we support the incumbent Congresswoman Yvette Clarke. In the course of her 12 years in Congress she has become a reliable voice on issues of concern to the Jewish community, particularly as regards to Israel.


She was a co-sponsor of recent legislation providing foreign military assistance to Israel and consistently voted in favor of such aid. She co-sponsored a House Resolution urging the European Union to designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organization and was a co-sponsor of legislation calling for the imposition of sanctions against Iran to prevent it from acquiring ballistic missile technology. She also petitioned President Obama and President Trump for the early release of Sholom Rubashkin.


Congressman Dan Donovan-11th Congressional District
(Staten Island and parts of southern Brooklyn)

For the 11th CD, we endorse the incumbent Congressman Dan Donovan in the June 26th Republican Primary election. Cong. Donovan has been a strong supporter of President Trump’s efforts to rebuild our military, improve the care of our veterans, create new jobs, and rebuild our long neglected infrastructure.

He has been a strong supporter of the president’s policy of rebuilding the special relationship between the U.S. and Israel. Before being elected in a special election in May of 2015, Donovan had a distinguished career as a law-enforcing, no-nonsense district attorney. He enjoys has broad support in the  11th CD’s Jewish community. He is plainly the better candidate in the 11th CD.

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