Photo Credit: Pixabay / Wiggijo
New York City

In the New York primary elections scheduled for August 23rd to choose the candidate who will run in the November general election, The Jewish Press endorses the following candidates:



U.S. Congress

10th Congressional District: Brian Robinson (D)


State Senate

District 4 (Suffolk County): Monica Martinez (D)

District 7 (Nassau County): Anna Kaplan (D)

District 15 (Brooklyn): Joseph P. Addabo, Jr. (D)

District 21 (Brooklyn): Kevin S. Parker (D)

District 22 (Brooklyn): Simcha Felder (D)

District 23 ( Staten Island/Brooklyn): Jessica Scarcella-Spanton (D)

District 23 ( Staten Island/Brooklyn): Joseph L. Tirone, Jr. (R)

District 25 ( Brooklyn): Renee Holmes (D)

District 26 (Brooklyn): David Yassky (D)

District 27 (Manhattan): Danyela Souza Egorov (D)

District 31 (Manhattan/The Bronx): Angel I. Vasquez (D)

District 33 (The Bronx): Miguelina Camilo (D)

District 34 (The Bronx/Westchester): Nathalia Fernandez (D)

District 47 (Manhattan): Danzilo is running as the Democratic Party’s candidate for the New York Senate in District 47, which covers the West Side of Manhattan including the Upper West Side, Hell’s Kitchen, and Hudson Yards. She is a strong supporter of Israel, urges rolling back the disastrous bail reform law of 2019 (and giving judges more discretion to hold defendants on bail), and lowering taxes.

Her opponent, incumbent Brad Hoylman, is one of the leading lights of the progressive movement and was a principal architect of the 2019 bail law.

We urge our readers to support Maria Danzilo on August 23.

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