I believe that CNN’s actions have been as damaging to democracy and the free world as any of the vilest propaganda ever spread by Goebbels, Stalin, the Grand Mufti, Arafat, or Saddam Hussein. For twelve years CNN hid the truth, covered up facts, and fabricated ridiculous moral-equivalency scenarios. Millions of people around the world have been influenced by these lies and deceptions.

Is it any wonder that there are thousands of college students willing to create civil disobedience to protest the war? They don’t know Saddam Hussein was a maniac. By his own admission, Eason Jordan knew this to be the case but refused to tell the world. They don’t know that Arafat is nothing but a murderer. Thanks to CNN, they think he’s the George Washington of the Palestinian Arabs. They watch CNN, and they get to see CNN propaganda on their televisions at school.


The television network that calls itself the most “The most Trusted Name In News” is a fraud. It’s been nothing more than a public relations outlet for dictatorial Islamic regimes. Eason Jordan’s confession in the Times was titled “The News We Keep To Ourselves.” I submit that we would be better off not getting any news than getting news that covers up the truth and spreads lies.

I wish Eason Jordan and his news staff well in their future careers — far, far away from any media outlet. Unfortunately, I fear that Jordan and his gang will be successful in covering up their murder of journalistic integrity.


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