A Time For New Thinking In The Charedi World (Part II)

Sadly, the charedi leadership sees it as a religious imperative of the highest order to resist any change regarding national service, even for those (estimated at 35%) who are not in yeshiva and not learning.

UC Professors Testify Before House Subcommittee On Anti-Jewish Work Bias

The general antisemitic, hostile environment turned to focus on me directly because I am a Jew, Dafna Golden told the subcommittee.

From Coast To Coast, It’s Open Season On Jews

It’s like the media [are] bending over backwards to be politically correct.

Holy Joe: The Man Who Should’ve Been Vice President

As the highest-ranking Torah-observant elected official since Mordechai HaTzaddik, his story is not just remarkable; it's historic.

Is Aliyah All Or Nothing?

If it is so hard to leave each time we come, why not stay, why not finally move? That question plagues me regularly and nobody asks it more forcefully than I do to myself.

The Courage Of This Brit Milah

The most powerful moment was hearing the baby’s name: Amatzyah. The word amatz has two meanings. In Tanach, it means strength and courage. Adding Hashem’s name (Kah) to the word implies that Hashem will give the baby strength.

Harvard Antisemitism Task Force Leader Resigns In Frustration

Harvard found itself in more hot water this month when the House committee which conducted the hearings subpoenaed the school for allegedly obstructing the government’s investigation of antisemitism on college campuses.

Biden Orders Deportation Reprieve For Palestinians In The U.S.

The exclusion of Palestinians who do not meet the criteria depends, of course, on enforcement by DHS, which does not necessarily inspire confidence.

Retired Jewish General Sues, Claims He Was Ousted For His Faith

As part of a campaign to discredit Magram and push him out of the Air National Guard, Beevers allegedly coached a witness who claimed that Magram used subordinates for personal errands.

Families Of Simchas Torah Pogrom Victims Sue Iran And Binance

Binance is alleged to have held itself out as having certain controls in place, while allowing high value traders to circumvent those controls.

Inseparable, In Life And In Death

I am grateful to have the privilege of watching my talmidim morph from thoughtful and sensitive Torah students into courageous and brave soldiers. Sadly, there is a steep price to pay for this historical privilege.

A Century Of Antisemitism At Harvard

World War II and the Holocaust dampened Harvard’s enthusiasm for Nazism, and after the war, meritocracy was restored and Jewish enrollment began rising again.

The Pain Of A Path Not Taken

Did I have good reasons for returning to America? At the time I certainly thought so. Would I have been a particularly good soldier? If I had been drafted to a combat unit (as most Hesdernikim were in my time), almost certainly not.

Former IDF Soldier Wins Big In Defamation Case Against Toronto Restaurant

The timing of the decision is as relevant as ever. IDF soldiers and veterans should not have to worry about their reputation being tarnished through malicious and reckless allegations…

Solace From An Unexpected Source

As a volunteer, I’ve seen firsthand the unprecedented mobilization of Israeli society to support bereaved families, families whose husbands/fathers were called up, and refugees from the South and North. So, what missing element did this dinner offer?

The Origin Of A Rocket-Rose Menorah

In order to understand the origin of this unique menorah, it’s essential to understand its artist.

Unity At Its Core

Our current unity is the emergence of our pure core, with the many external layers of strife and internecine conflict stripped away by the brutal pain inflicted by Hamas.

Eight Out Of Fourteen Hundred

Why did it have to be so soon? Could he not have been allowed to accomplish some more things before leaving us?

Musk Proclaims His Solidarity With Jewish Leaders During X Discussion

They talked about how there are only 14 million Jews, and Musk said he always tells his Jewish friends to have more kids.

Netanyahu Tells Elon Musk He Hopes He Can ‘Roll Back’ Antisemitism On X

Obviously I’m against antisemitism, Musk told Netanyahu, adding that he’s against anything that promotes hate and conflict.

The Shofar Blasts – A Clarion Call For Unity

I always found it quite incredible that the first mitzvah that we are called upon to do as Jews at the beginning of the year is to listen. To pay attention to exactly what it is that Jewish destiny is about.

Brownsville, Brooklyn: How Chabad Is Breathing New Life Into A Historically Multicultural Community

Gentrification is a word Rabbi Overlander clearly dislikes, and when probed, both he and Rabbi Vogel say “no,” it’s not happening in Brownsville. A small percentage of homes are being sold to Orthodox Jews. Word of mouth spreads, and families, who come to see the homes, the parks, and other resources, decide to buy.

The Marvel Universe

Mystery is based on concealment and discovery. If everything is immediately known and every object or idea is transparent, there can be no mystery, no pursuit, and no marvel.

Massive Tuition Incentive A Potential Community Builder In Rochester

Tuition prices getting you down? Read how one yeshiva in upstate NY is slashing its prices.

Popular Podcast Tells The Story Of Israel, One Visionary At A Time

Israel is a very fragmented society…you see someone and you immediately decide what they believe in based on what hat is on their head, their skin color or the clothes they are wearing. And with very minimal input you place them in a box and start piling up all these assumptions about them.

The Background Of Operation House And Garden

The operation will continue as long as necessary to restore security, says Netanyahu.

Supreme Court Sharply Narrows Employers’ Ability To Deny Religious Accommodation

Impact on or dissatisfaction on the part of fellow employees is not, the Court noted, sufficient grounds for denial unless that effect would result in substantial costs to the business itself.

Heading Into Shavuos – One Daf At A Time

Reb Stefansky just concluded a successful tour in America to kickstart Maseches Gittin, with several thousand people attending his live shiurim in locations in New York and New Jersey.

One In A Million

It’s not democracy that’s worrying the opponents of the judicial reform, said Shine, it’s demography – the fact that the religious right is gaining in numbers and strength.

Third Option For Burial Signed Into Law By Governor Hochul

For some observant Jews, organic burial brings back memories of darker days of 1940s Europe.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/front-page/a-time-for-new-thinking-in-the-charedi-world-part-ii/2024/07/25/

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