The rewriting of history on the part of our enemies does not nullify historical certainties. And one of those certainties, Mr. Dershowitz, is that the lands in question are ours – G-d-granted, signed, sealed and delivered.

The uprooting of Jewish settlers, Mr. Dershowitz, would be an act that in the lexicon of the well-read would be defined as “transfer” or “ethnic cleansing” – the very phraseology that you, as a good liberal, abhor in the context of presumed Palestinian rights. Of course, we Jews are quite experienced in the business of being transferred and uprooted. The world, including yellow-striped liberal Jews, will understand and fully accept the expulsion of Jews. In fact, I can clearly envision joy on an international scale as images of Jews being forcibly uprooted from their homes appear on television screens and front pages of newspapers.


You saw it, Mr. Dershowitz. You wrote how grateful you were that the police officer escorted you away lest a physical confrontation ensue. They refused to let you speak! You, an eloquent speaker for the rights of the Palestinians, were confronted with inexplicable hate. Your attempts to explain your views were met with sarcasm and a solid wall of cynicism. The near-riot reminded you of the Nazi rallies seventy years ago in Berlin.

No kidding, sir. Isn’t it fabulous when the hot-air balloon of self-deception is burst by the dagger of malevolence, allowing accumulated misconceptions to evaporate into thin air? Why does it not surprise those of us who have refused to deceive ourselves? Why are we not surprised, Mr. Dershowitz, that Jewish retreat in the face of adversity is understood for what it is – cowardice, pure and simple? How is it that pompous liberals are surprised by what weuneducated ?radicals? take for granted? Has it anything to do, perhaps, with a mind so infected with self-importance that it refuses to see the gathering storm?

Mr. Dershowitz, Islamofascism is nothing new. Before 1948 there were no “occupied territories,” no “settlements,” no “unwarranted hardships” suffered by the Palestinian population. But I doubt I need to refresh your memory. I’m sure the historical facts are deeply ingrained in your educated memory.

Our enemies hate us because – well, I guess we can fill in the gap with quite a few reasons. But the only one that makes real sense, the one that is as old as Judaism itself, is the simple fact that we are Jews. Everything else is simply outer wrapping to disguise the truth beneath.

But I do not fear my enemies. They will not succeed. What I fear most, Mr. Dershowitz, are the illusions fostered by the liberals among us. Too many of us foolishly cling to a picture of future tranquility with enemies who are fanatically dedicated to our destruction. But G-d, in His infinite wisdom, can always be counted on to send us a somber reminder.

Purim was one, Mr. Dershowitz. Perhaps, in its own limited way, your experience at Faneuil Hall was another.


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Isaac Kohn is senior vice president for Prime Care Consultants.