To add iniquity to this sordid land grab, which reduced the portion of Palestine reserved for Jewish settlement to approximately 20 percent of the area cited in the Balfour Declaration, demands are now being made for Israel to be subdivided yet again, to make room for a bogus “Palestinian state.”

How can any accommodation be reached between the Arabs and Israel when Palestinian Arab terrorists are waging war against Israel with the approval of the vast majority of Arabs, and when there is such a dichotomy between the way the rest of the world deals with terror and the way Israel is expected to “exercise restraint” in its own war against terrorism?


There are three cardinal points that every Jew should know:

1. The “Palestinian nationality” is a hoax created in the years following Israel’s reestablishment in 1948.

2. The Palestinian Arab claim to the Land of Israel does nor meet any historical test; it is, in the words of Joseph Farah, an Arab-American journalist, “the greatest fiction since the end of World War II.”

3. The Arab determination to destroy the Jewish state is unalterable. All the so-called peace processes and road maps are viewed by most Arabs as merely way-stations on the road to a new Final Solution.

That there are naifs among us who cling to the notion of peace with the Arabs as an attainable goal without self-surrender is as mind-boggling as the notion expressed by many Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto that the Germans would not destroy the Jews because they needed them as workers in their war production effort.

Referring to then-Prime Minister Rabin’s plan to uproot Jewish communities in Gaza, Ariel Sharon said at the time: “It must be understood that this government and those who head it have been stricken with madness and have lost all restraint…. Though no current situation should be compared to the Holocaust, I would still like to mention that before the Holocaust as well the Jewish leadership said then, ‘There is no alternative.’ ”

Sharon was on the mark in his criticism of Rabin, but unfortunately this criticism now applies to his own government.

It may be difficult to remember, in this climate of internal bickering and unilateral concessions to an implacable enemy, that in June 1967 Israel and Diaspora Jewry were united in the face of the threat posed by Arab armies massing on Israel’s borders. Although the fruits of Israel’s glorious victory are being squandered, we should draw strength from that feat of zeal, courage and solidarity.

One prime example of that indomitable spirit was reflected in an exchange between the Western press and General Moshe Dayan as he stood overlooking the Suez Canal. “General Dayan,” he was asked, “will you annex Gaza to Israel?”

“No,” Dayan replied. “Gaza is Israel.”

The first step out of this quagmire is to confront and acknowledge the truth. Only then can we put an end to the pathetic self-deception, and unite and stand firm in defense of Israel’s territorial integrity. History should teach us that nothing short of national suicide will satisfy our enemies – and that while solidarity and mutual support beget blessings, internal hostility and strife beget the opposite.


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